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Shuangcheng City Dafa Practitioner Fu Wenqing Has Been Suffering from Persecution for Three Years

Feb. 23, 2003


Mr. Fu Wenqing, a 38-year-old Dafa practitioner, was kidnapped on February 9, 2002 and is currently being illegally detained at Liming jail at Haerbin City, Heilongjiang province.

Fu Wenqing had a bicycle repair business at home. On February 2, 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal and was thrown into a detention center on the 5th. After being illegally detained for 110 days, he was fined 3000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan], and was released after the village where he lives paid half of the fine. In July 2000, he was taken away from home when he was studying the Fa and sent to Shuangcheng detention center, where the supervisor instigates inmates to curse Dafa and Master. Whoever refuses is beaten up. As a result, Fu's rib was broken. Nobody cared about what happened to him. The following day Fu had to work sticking paper on light bulbs even though he was disabled. He was detained there for 70 days.

In mid December 2000, he was forcefully taken away by the village police while he was repairing bicycles at home and detained for 4 or 5 days before being released. During that time, he had to sleep on a wooden board at night and was frequently beaten by 4 or 5 people, which led to his nose bleeding and blood blisters in his eyes. It was not until Fu's wife brought their three children with her a few times to ask for fairness that Fu was finally released.

Around January 2001, he was taken away by people from the village police bureau again and detained for 4 or 5 days. During this period, he was brutally beaten up again. His wife brought their three children to help get him out but the evil people didn't release him. Instead, they grabbed his wife by her hair and told her to go home, making the children cry out in fear. Fu was sent to Shuangcheng detention center in April, then transferred to Changlinzi detention center at Haerbin city, where he was persecuted. As a result of the humidity, he had very painful scabies all over his body. Since he couldn't look after himself, he was bailed out for medication, then was released on September 26th, 2001.

About 10 pm on February 9, 2002, Shuangcheng police went to his home to arrest Fu and his wife. The police tricked them by saying that they wanted some information, and would let them come back shortly after, but the couple has not been seen since then. Now, only the three children are at home. The eldest one is 14 years old, the middle one is 5 years old, and the youngest is only 3 years old. Fu and his wife were detained at Shuangcheng jail for 9 months, and then they were each sentenced to four years imprisonment. After that, they were thrown into No.1 team of Liming prison at Haerbin City where nobody is allowed to visit them. No further information is available at this time.