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Even the Police Are Awakening to the Truth

Feb. 23, 2003 |   Written By a Chinese Practitioner


Story 1: After having been deceived by the Jiang regime's fabricated propaganda, a policewoman committed many wrongdoings against Dafa practitioners. After she had the chance to get to know practitioners, she began to feel guilty and started to treat them with kindness. Soon after, she received a promotion and was no longer assigned to Falun Gong related issues. One day near the beginning of winter, she heard that many practitioners may not have winter clothing, so she gave her own coat to practitioners.

Story 2: A policewoman used to curse and beat up practitioners. Once she learned the truth, she stopped persecuting practitioners. One time she came to me to give me an apology. She bought me some nutritious food and a pair of shoes after seeing that I was very weak and had no shoes. Seeing that another practitioner's clothes were worn-out, she gave this practitioner her own clothes. She helped us a lot with the benefits of her position to make up for her mistakes in the past. Later she was reassigned to another job and received a promotion. She is no longer assigned to deal with Falun Gong related issues.

Story 3: Two Dafa practitioners in their sixties were posting Dafa banners. One of them was followed by an informant. The informant took out his cell phone to call for a police van. This practitioner immediately sent forth righteous thoughts and said "Ding!" (meaning "Freeze"). She then turned around and walked away without looking back. The other practitioner was also sending forth righteous thoughts nearby. The practitioner's "Ding" really suppressed the informant, who stood there without moving. The two practitioners returned safely.

Story 4: After one practitioner was kidnapped, his uncle and aunt helped to hide all the Dafa books and truth clarification materials. Later this practitioner walked away from the detention center using righteous thoughts. Once he returned to his uncle's home, his aunt held Teacher's photo and did not want to put it down. When this practitioner wanted to take the materials, his aunt said: "It's safer to keep them here. I am an old grandma and I do not fear anything. I will take the responsibility if something happens. Your teacher is a Buddha and can protect us. In the future, you can keep all your materials in my home. I will keep them in the safest and cleanest place and make sure they are safe."

[Editors' Note: Whenever we see kind-hearted people being rewarded with good fortune for listening to their consciences and being fair to Dafa or protecting Dafa disciples, we always feel so thankful and are even happier than them. Whenever we see people awaken and correct their wrongdoings after they went astray or went down a wrong path and received karmic retribution, we feel so happy for them, and wish them our sincere blessings. Whenever we see people who are deceived by the lies commit wrongdoings against Dafa disciples, disregarding the warnings from Heaven and going down an evil path from which they might never return, we feel very bad for them. In order to eliminate their hatred and misunderstanding, we are willing to sacrifice everything so that all the sentient beings will have a happy, peaceful, and beautiful future.]