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National Post: Security bill worries Hong Kong opposition

Feb. 23, 2003


(Clearwisdom.net) HONG KONG - Hong Kong took the wraps off a planned anti-subversion law yesterday, giving the public its first detailed look at the most controversial legislation proposed by the government since the territory's return to Chinese rule.


Opponents, including most of the freely elected minority of Legislative Council members, said the new law will have a "chilling effect" on [groups] operating out of Hong Kong.

They say it could be used against groups of which Beijing disapproves such as Falun Gong, [...] or even the Roman Catholic Church.

"A bridge has been crossed," said Yeung Sum, leader of the Democratic party, Hong Kong's main opposition. "Their idea of national security is so different from ours and their political system is so different from ours, and some of that is being written into our system."