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Wondrous Experiences Lead People to Practice Dafa

Feb. 23, 2003


Story 1

Mrs. Liu, a Dafa practitioner in her sixties someplace in Gansu Province, is faithfully diligent, never letting up in her cultivation. She looks like she's in her thirties. Seeing the results that practicing Dafa have had on Mrs. Liu, her husband and her son were very surprised, so they themselves began to read Zhuan Falun (the core teachings of Falun Dafa). They support Mrs. Liu in assisting Teacher in Fa rectification. Her husband reminds her when it's time to send forth righteous thoughts.

Though aunt Liu's retirement annuity is only around 5000 Yuan, she understands the urgency in offering salvation to sentient beings, so she doesn't hesitate to help with the production of Dafa materials financially. During the year 2002, she spent around 4000 Yuan on producing truth-clarifying materials.

Story 2

One day, a woman in her eighties received a truth-clarifying pamphlet. After she read the pamphlet, she said, "Falun Gong is the great law, and those who assault Dafa are defaming the great law of the universe." She then borrowed "Zhuan Falun" from a practitioner and began to practice Falun Gong herself.

Story 3

One day, a husband and wife were on a bus that turned over. Almost all the passengers on the bus were injured, but the couple was fine. They felt very strange, though, and after they arrived home, they found the Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in their pockets that practitioners had given them. They then realized, "Falun Dafa saved us!" Since then, this couple has been practicing Falun Gong.