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Police in Daqing City Jail, Heilongjiang Province Persecute Dafa Practitioners

Feb. 23, 2003


Since 2002, the police in Daqing City Jail have used all means to persecute Dafa practitioners. In September of 2002, Dafa practitioner Chu Hongbing, from Daqing No. 7 Oil Extraction Factory, was beaten by police so severely that he was hospitalized. Half a year has passed, and he still has a tube inserted into his body.

In December of 2002, Dafa practitioners Zhang Xingyan and Li Hai were detained in the No. 6 detention area of Daqing City Jail. Because they refused to wear the jail's uniforms and persisted in practicing the Falun Gong exercises, the police beat them and monitored them 24 hours a day, but the practitioners didn't give up. The police separated Zhang Xingyan and Li Hai, sending Li Hai to the No. 2 detention area.

Just before New Year's Eve of the year 2003, to try to force Dafa practitioners to give up their belief, the police utilized more evil ways to escalate the torture of Dafa practitioners. In order to force Zhang Xingyan to wear the jail's uniform, the police tore his clothes (including pants and vest) into pieces. He was naked and held down by two criminals, while others assaulted him. He also suffered the wind blowing in from the open window while the temperature was --20 degree Celsius [-4oF] for three consecutive days and nights. He fell unconscious from the cold. It is said that the Dafa practitioners in No. 2 detention area were beaten. Because the evil tightly blocks the news, we don't have any further information.

During Chinese New Year's day, family members visited their relatives in jail, but the Dafa practitioners' family members were not allowed to visit.

The police in the jail were afraid that their wicked actions would be exposed, so they removed the list of police officer names that hung on the wall. They also only called each other by their surnames rather than using first names.

Relevant phone numbers:
Head of Daqing City Jail: 86-459-5059910
Deputy Head of Daqing City Jail: 86-459-5059122, 5050916, and 5050616