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Latest News from China - 02/15/2003

Feb. 23, 2003


[Beijing] Excellent Student from Tsinghua University Illegally Detained

26-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Xu Zhiguang is a Ph.D. student from the Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanical Technology in Tsinghua University. He was arrested in April 2002, and had been illegally detained in the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp and subjected to brainwashing. Currently he is being illegally detained in the detention facility of Haiding Branch, Beijing Public Security Bureau.

[Jinan City, Shandong Province] Forced Labor Camps in Jinan City Frames Falun Gong

Around February and March 2002, forced labor camps in Jinan City (it was said to be a unified action across the province) organized those who had given up their belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" under high pressure and extreme torture, to write a letter to the United Nations, framing Falun Gong. In order to make the UN believe that those letters were from people living in different areas, the forced labor camps bought envelops of different colors and designs, and asked people to use their home addresses for mailing. They directly or indirectly delivered those letters to UN in an attempt to slander Falun Dafa. But the only thing they forgot about was the date -- the same date was marked on these letters since every forced labor camp organized the "mailing project" at the same time.

[Anqing City, Anhui Province] Urgent - Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Zhisong and Family Members Illegally Arrested

Huating Public Security Branch in Anqing City illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Zhisong on January 17, 2003. He has been on a hunger strike for over 20 days, protesting the illegal detention and persecution. Recently, the "610 Office" in Anqing City illegally arrested his wife and parents as well.

[Zhenzhou City, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Su Jinglin, Zhao Yueyun and Yang Li Illegally Abducted

Zhenzhou practitioner Su Jinglin (female) was abducted in November of last year. Her current whereabouts are unknown. Dengeng police took Zhao Yueyun (female) from her home, and it is not known where she is. Jingshui Public Security Branch secretly arrested Yang Li (female) in June 2002. She has been illegally detained in Qiliyan of Zhenzhou City. At the time of her arrest, even her family members didn't know where she was being held. About half a year later when the detention term was over, Li Xinjian (he had illegally sent several dozen practitioners to forced labor camps), the director of the Politics and Security Section of Jingshui Public Security Branch, went to Yang Li's family members, attempting to extort money. Her family members resisted resolutely. Li Xinjian then brought Yang Li back and detained her again.

Phone number of Politics & Security Section of Jingshui Public Security Branch: 86-371-6256038

Li Xinjian, director of Politics & Security Section of Jingshui Public Security Branch: 86-13017662358 (cell)
Operator of Zhenzhou Public Security Bureau: 86-371-6222023

Three directors of No.1 Department of Zhenzhou Public Security Bureau (specialized in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners): director Sun, director Yun and director Pei

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Wanjiao Forced Labor Camp Sets Up Classes Under Strict Supervision and Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners

Recently, the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp set up classes under strict supervision in order to coerce Falun Dafa practitioners who remain firm in cultivation to give up their belief. Twenty-seven Falun Dafa practitioners are being subjected to brutal torture there.

With the excuse of so-called "reflections," they force Falun Dafa practitioners to sit on benches all day until 11:00 PM, when they are allowed to go to sleep. Practitioners are allowed to go to the washroom every 12 hours. In order to destroy these practitioners spiritually, the police put items that practitioners' family members brought them on the bench within practitioners' eyesight but out of reach, and threaten the practitioners with these things. Some common practices to coerce practitioners to give up practicing are sleep deprivation, being hung up, confinement in solitary cells, electric shock, and being made to sit on a metal chair for long periods of time. Even when some practitioners' terms are completed, the terms would be extended, one-month extensions at a time, and the terms are extended for certain number of times. After so many extensions, they will then be sent to jail.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Ying Subjected to Persecution for Over Two Years in Dentention

Practitioner Li Ying (female) was taken from her home and illegally detained in January 2001, before the Chinese Lunar New Year. She was then taken to the No.2 Detention Center in Fushun City and brutally tortured. As a result, many nerves on her left arm were damaged, and she was unable to take care of herself. Later on, she was secretly sentenced to 11 years in prison and sent to Dabei Jail, but they would not accept her since she could not look after herself. Currently she is still being illegally detained in the No.2 Detention Center in Fushun City. She is forced to do hard labor overtime every day. Over the past two years, her family members have not been allowed to visit her.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Chen Guohua Detained in Brainwashing Center

Wuhan practitioner Chen Guohua was illegally detained in the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center in early January for the second time. The first time was before the 16th Party Congress, when he was reported and forcibly detained for half a month. After the completion of his detention terms, the police substation extorted 1500 yuan [equal to three months' average income of an ordinary worker in China-by translator] from his family members and promised to return the money after the 16th Party Congress. However, not only did they not return the money, but they also abducted Chen Guohua for no reason.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Yao Hui Arrested Many Times

Wuhan practitioner Yao Hui (female) has been illegally arrested many times. She escaped with her powerful righteous thoughts every time. In December 2002, she once again walked out of the brainwashing center with her righteous thoughts, and has became homeless ever since in order to avoid further detention. Her home has been searched many times and her property confiscated. Once they confiscated two computers and other things, including 30,000 Yuan in cash that her family had saved for renovations to the house .

[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Huang Yazhong, Pan Qiongju and Li Shuyun Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp Terms

Daqing practitioner Huang Yazhong was illegally arrested while at work on July 22, 2002. He was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labor camp. His wife Pan Qiongju was illegally arrested while at work on October 22, 2002. She was sentenced to two years and six months in a forced labor camp. Currently their 15-year-old daughter is left alone at home.

Female practitioner Li Shuyun was illegally arrested while at home on October 23, 2002. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

[Beijing] Practitioner Xu Huaquan Arrested Again After One Year in Forced Labor Camp

Xu Huaquan, a practitioner from Chaoyang District of Beijing, was illegally arrested before the 16th Party Congress last year. His whereabouts are as yet unknown. He had been detained in the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp for a year and was released by the end of 2001. A year later he lost his freedom again.

[Anyang City, Henan Province] Henan Police Plan to Exchange Experiences in Persecuting Falun Gong in Anyang City

According to a source inside the Henan Public Security Bureau, police are going to gather in Anyang City for a conference where they will share their experiences in persecuting Falun Gong.

[Xingtai City, Hebei Province] Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested

On the evening of January 30, 2003, a truth-clarifying material production site was sabotaged in Xingtai City. Two fellow practitioners disappeared. Also, three practitioners were arrested on the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve while putting up truth-clarifying banners. Their whereabouts are also unknown.

[Fugou County, Henan Province] Eight Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested

Before the Chinese Lunar New Year, eight practitioners were illegally arrested for no reason. From each of them was extorted an amount varying from 1,000 to 6,000 Yuan. (500 Yuan is the average monthly income of an average urban worker.)