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UK: Dafa Practitioners Participate in Chinese New Year Celebrations in Northern England

Feb. 23, 2003 |   By UK practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of the Chinese New Year on February 1, 2003, York University's Chinese students held a New Year party on the campus. Since there were some 300 Chinese attending the gathering, Dafa practitioners regarded it as a precious opportunity to reveal the facts behind the persecution. They thus decided to distribute truth-clarifying VCD's after the party was over. The overwhelming majority of the Chinese students accepted the VCD's on their way out. We finished distributing over one hundred VCD's in a short period of time. Some of them asked about the content of the VCD. Practitioners replied that they were about Falun Gong and the VCD's were happily accepted.

On February 2, 2003, there was a celebration in the Chinatown district of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a big city in northern England. To help more kind-hearted people realize the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong, some practitioners from northern England and Scotland went to Newcastle to talk with the residents together with local practitioners.

Since our practitioners did not apply for a booth in time, they unfurled a banner reading "Falun Dafa is Good" on one of the main streets in Chinatown. Several practitioners demonstrated the exercises around the banner, while some others stood on the bustling streets, distributing Falun Gong leaflets and VCD's. When they started practicing the exercises along with the music, the strong righteous field attracted the attention of many Chinese and westerners immediately. They stood in front of the practitioners who were practicing the exercises; in the meantime, they asked the practitioners who were distributing the materials for further information about Falun Dafa. Furthermore, some westerners were very interested in Falun Gong, and asked for information about the location of exercise sites. At one point, several Chinese children were competing for the materials until every one of them had got one. The atmosphere was really harmonious. Because there were quite a few westerners visiting Chinatown, we ran out of English flyers before the activity was over. Through this activity, practitioners realized that most people, Chinese and westerners alike, are happy to accept the truth-clarifying materials. With smiling faces practitioners handed out materials to kind-hearted people along with their best wishes: "Thank you" and "Happy New Year."