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Ming Bao: Falun Gong Practitioners March Against Article 23 Legislation (Photo)

Feb. 26, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Ming Bao reported on February 23, 2003 that about 800 Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Hong Kong's Wanchai and marched to the government headquarters to protest against the proposed Article 23 legislation. Some of the protesters came from other countries.

áBBC Photo: Falun Gong practitioners protest Hong Kong's proposed subversion law legislation.

The protesters, dressed in yellow, gathered outside of the Immigration Office Building for a group exercise. The practitioners came from all over the world. They came to Hong Kong to attend a two-day experience sharing conference. They appealed to the government to stop the proposed Article 23 legislation.

They pointed out that the proposed legislation would infringe upon the already weakened human rights and freedom in Hong Kong. They also complained that the immigration office denied entry to more than ten Taiwan practitioners at the airport. One Swedish practitioner expressed to the reporter that the Hong Kong government should take care not to sell out its integrity.

Representatives of those participating in the march handed in a protest letter to the government, declaring that the denial of entry would hurt the international image of Hong Kong.

Early that same morning, some Falun Gong practitioners practiced the exercises in Kimshachui and Wanchai. They also sat together in large formations, creating huge Chinese characters spelling out "Righteous Thoughts Righteous Actions" when observed from high above.