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Practitioners in Liaoning Province Expose the Crimes of Shenyang City's Dabei Prison to the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong"

Feb. 27, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in Liaoning


To the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong,

The following is a report of the facts about how the authorities of Dabei Prison, in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, brutally persecute Dafa practitioners. It is our hope that you can investigate these facts about the persecution, find out the true situation there and accordingly comply with heavenly principles by bringing the responsible people to justice. Dafa's innocence can therefore be restored along with the freedoms and human rights of Dafa practitioners.

Since some of the labor camps across the country have been exposed for their severe persecution of Dafa practitioners, like Liaoning's Masanjia Labor Camp, human rights scoundrel, Jiang Zemin, has been strongly condemned by people around the world. Consequently, in order to cover up his crimes, Jiang is executing his new plan to recklessly persecute Falun Gong. Ever since last May, steadfast Dafa practitioners detained in the Masanjia Labor Camp, and a portion of Dafa practitioners from prisons in three Northeastern Provinces and in Beijing have been moved to Shenyang City's Dabei Prison in Liaoning Province. As a result the number of Dafa practitioners detained in Dabei Prison (by the end of last December) rose to over one thousand from the original number of one hundred or less.

Jiang verbally passed on an order to Dabei Prison to "transform" [meaning to force practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa] all the Dafa practitioners in the prison during the last winter and this spring. No criminal charges are enforced against those responsible for the deaths of practitioners. If there is no way to get a "pledge" from a practitioner, he or she will be killed. The "Transformation rate" [percentage of practitioners who are forced to give up their practice of Dafa] is expected to be 100% and Dabei Prison has been ordered to implement this "important political task."

In order to achieve their goal, Jiang and his accomplices sent "core members" from the Masanjia Labor Camp and other regions' labor camps to Dabei Prison to pass on their experience in persecuting Dafa practitioners. They had the prison guards' personal interests (salary increases and promotions) tied to the successful transformation rate of Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang's accomplice from the Liaoning "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] cooperated with the guards and gave them direct orders. Jiang spent a huge amount of the nation's money to implement his own persecution plan in building houses for Dabei Prison staff members on a large scale, serving as rewards from him. Besides these, prison guards are treated well and given other large rewards.

For fame, self-interest and under pressure from Jiang's "political tasks" the Dabei Prison director and guards escalated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The means they used are a collection of various nation-wide evil methods, all of which are very vicious and base. Last June, a Dafa disciple was killed at Ward No. 7 in the Dabei Women's Prison. At the end of 2002, over 10 Dafa disciples had been persecuted to death. But the criminals who killed those practitioners are still protected by Jiang's power and haven't been punished yet. They still conduct crimes out of their desire for political self interest and monetary gain.

Being persecuted under such brutal torture, many practitioners now are suffering from various health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease with ascites, kidney failure, paralysis, edema, stomach disease, etc. The situation is very severe and their lives are in danger. The prison didn't even allow Dafa disciples to receive hospital treatment, letting them die in prison unless they pledge not to practice. Family members of practitioners strongly request to be able to visit but are refused; moreover they are extorted with "medical fees" in the name of treating illnesses. However, practitioners who have been tortured to death all died in prison cells, not in hospitals. Dabei Prison deceived family members of murdered Dafa disciples with forged "death certificates" and fabricated "evidence," claiming that the death of those Dafa practitioners resulted from "committing suicide" or "heart disease."

Under the control of Jiang, the Political and Judiciary Committee and the "610 Office" of Liaoning Province, Dabei Prison has escalated the persecution of Dafa disciples since the beginning of 2003. Dafa practitioners are suffering inhumane torture. To cover the facts, the prison does everything to stop family members from visiting practitioners. The situation there is very severe.

We urge international human rights organizations to rescue Dafa practitioners who could be killed by Jiang's regime. We call upon all kind-hearted and just people to stand up and help stop this cruel persecution. We hope that the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" will investigate into how Dabei Prison persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and investigate the crimes of the Political and Judiciary Committee and the "610 Office" of Liaoning Province, in order to support justice in the human world and rescue the persecuted Dafa practitioners. We will supply you with facts, evidence, and witnesses at any time.

Dafa practitioners in Liaoning Province

January 28, 2003