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US Citizens' Responses to the Illegal Arrest of Charles Li

Feb. 27, 2003


On January 22, American citizen Charles Li had planned to visit his relatives during Chinese New Year, when he was arrested on groundless charges at the Guangzhou Airport in China. The US media reported the news of Mr. Li's illegal arrest widely, eliciting widespread concern from across the country.

Freedom of belief is highly valued by Americans. Therefore Chinese dictator Jiang's policy of persecution against personal belief is absolutely intolerable to US citizens who enjoy democracy and freedom under "a government of the people, by the people and for the people."

The following are some of the comments I heard from US citizens regarding Charles Li's illegal arrest:

American A: "This kind of policy puts all American citizens in jeopardy. Think about it: While visiting China on business or on a holiday, we could be arrested at will by the Chinese government due to our personal belief. It is really atrocious that the Chinese government can casually persecute good people simply because they choose to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."

American B: "My father is a devout Christian and a pastor. He is in China now preaching Christianity. My friends and my family pray for my father every day. If the Chinese government really accuses Charles Li of sabotaging television equipment, I will ask more people to pray for Charles Li!"

American C: "Charles Li is suffering persecution in China only because he upholds a belief which is banned by the Chinese dictator. This is a sign of real danger to the American people. Americans face very real and tangible threats such as terrorism and nuclear weapons, but we also face a hidden (yet very real and deceptive threat) from China's restrictive policies--the complete spiritual destruction of humanity, freedom and justice."

American D: "When I saw the news that Charles Li was accused of sabotaging television equipment and arrested by the Chinese government, I was deeply touched. You should be proud that you have such a friend as Charles Li."