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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Luzhou, Sichuan Province Were Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

Feb. 27, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Luzhou, Sichuan

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 2000, the "610 Office" in Luzou city has been maliciously arresting Falun Gong practitioners. They proclaimed that they would never let up, but would remain firm in suppressing Falun Gong. Accusing Falun Gong practitioners of "disrupting the social order," they have illegally sentenced practitioners to forced-labor camps, including practitioners Liang Wende (3 years), Luo Shuizhen (3 years), and Zhou Ruiying (3 years). They were imprisoned at the Zizhong Nanmusi Female Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan Province. The labor camp refused to keep Ms. Tang Xuzhen (3 years), and Chen Yuangui (1 Year) in the labor camp due to their old age. As a result, the authorities changed their sentence to forced labor carried out in the society with surveillance. However, they are still being detained at the Jiangyang District detention center in Luozhou city to this day.

Before the Sixteenth Congress, policemen arrested Ms. Li Yulan and Liu Anshun. Their whereabouts are presently unknown. Another practitioner, Ms. Huang Chaozhen, whose firmness in Dafa had caused a huge setback for the evil authorities, was imprisoned at the Luxian Detention Center after being temporarily detained for a month. Ms. Peng Gongshu was illegally sentenced to forced-labor camp for 1 year. She was released on Nov.2, 2002, but was arrested again on Nov.12. Currently her whereabouts are unknown. The excuse that the policemen gave was that they feared she would tell the true facts about the persecution in the labor camp.

After Rao Qing betrayed her and gave her name to the police in Jan. 2001, Ms. Ye Guizhen was arrested and sent to the Naxi Detention Center. Practitioner Xu Yong from Chengdu was transferred by the "610 Office" in Luzhou city from Chengdu Prison to Luxian Detention Center in Feb. 2001. On July 3, 2002, the evil forces put the two practitioners on trial. Because of their constant appeals, they are still imprisoned at the detention center.

Facing the evil's irrational acts, practitioners keep Teacher's words firmly in their minds, and never forget their great mission. The practitioners who had lost contact with their fellow practitioners temporarily are constantly coming back, and everyone strives forward in studying the Fa, doing the exercises, clarifying the truth, sending forth righteous thoughts, and improving together in the Fa!

Feb. 14, 2003