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Video: FGM TV News - 12/17/2002

Feb. 3, 2003

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Hello, and welcome to the FGM TV weekly news review on December 17, 2002

I'm David Tompkins

In this week's update from China...

Our top story this week:

And some of our other stories:

World Wide Protests Against Upcoming Hong Kong National Security Legislation

Support for the marchers in Toronto:

Dafa Practitioners from Sichuan province were stuffed into sacks, then kidnapped and Robbed.

Persecution details from a survivor of the infamous Wanjia Labor Camp

Lawyers for Falun Gong Practitioners Initiate Legal Action from France Against China's Vice Premier

The State of Illinois House of Representatives hosts a Falun Dafa Photo Exhibit

Broken Fingers Discovered in a Mountain Cave in Poland verify the existence of a pre-historic civilization.

An Interview With FGMtv's first English News Anchor, Susan Mitchell


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