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Police Authorities in the Brainwashing Center of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province Instigate Collaborators to Torture Dafa Practitioners

Feb. 6, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) The brainwashing center in Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province, also called the "Law Education Center of the Capital of Hebei Province" is a den of evil. The head of the vicious criminals, Kong Fanyun, clamored publicly, "We're here to forcibly transform you, don't even try to reason with us. The labor camp is waiting for you if you don't reform." The center is completely isolated, and the ways of persecution are extremely vicious.

The brainwashing center authorities force every work unit to pay a so-called "training fee," the minimum being 12,000 Yuan [about two years worth of an average urban worker's salary in China] and also to assign two people to "assist the education" by monitoring the practitioner closely and reporting on them.

This is what happens on a daily basis. Except for the collaborators (former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under intense pressure), who are appointed by the officials to bombard the practitioners with lies, the practitioners are not allowed to see anyone. They have to stay in the same room for everything, including eating and washing. Even toilet use time is set. The practitioners are only allowed to use the toilet once every six hours, accompanied by two "assistants." At other times, a pail in the room is used. The practitioners are sometimes not allowed to sleep or close their eyes for several days, and they are forced to continuously listen to the government fabrications and propaganda.

Dafa practitioner Liu Lifeng, male, 30 years old, with a bachelor's degree, works at the Hebei Economy and Trade Committee. He was kidnapped and taken to the brainwashing center around October 1, 2002. Although the collaborators kept trying to brainwash him daily, he did not waver in his belief in Falun Dafa. He has held several hunger strikes to protest the mistreatment and has been persecuted for over three months so far.

Dafa practitioner Zhang Yun, a female prison guard from Luquan Prison, was kidnapped to the brainwashing center in early August 2002 by her work unit. When she first came to the center, the collaborators, at the instigation of the guards, did not permit her to sleep for six days and six nights. Both of her arms were pinched repeatedly, and they were full of bruises. One of her front teeth was broken due to the brutal beating. She suffered around-the-clock brainwashing five or six times, without being permitted to sleep. On December 24, 2002, at the No. 39 Interrogation Room of the brainwashing center's No. 2 Building, five male collaborators pushed her to the ground and poured a lot of liquor into her mouth. (Falun Gong practitioners do not drink alcohol.) They also put Master's picture on the ground and pushed her feet to step on the picture. Zhang Yun was so ill she couldn't wake up for the whole day on December 25. The persecution is still ongoing.

We hope fellow practitioners will do their best to expose the evil. We hope the practitioners in Heibei Province, especially in Shijiazhuang City, will send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions behind the brainwashing class. Dafa practitioners are one body. If we do well, the evils won't be able to run rampant.

January 27, 2003