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Former Deputy Director of the Laser Research Institute at Sun Yat-Sen University and His Mother-in-Law Are Kidnapped

Feb. 6, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Cai Zhigang, originally the deputy director of the Laser Research Institute at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou City, used to study abroad, and later returned to China. He didn't surrender to extensive pressure, and instead continued to steadfastly practice Falun Gong. At the beginning of this year, while he was on duty, Cai Zhigang was required to talk with some people, and in this way the evil deceived him into going to the brainwashing center.

Aunt Shi, a retired teacher from Guangzhou Fine Art Institute and Cai Zhigang's mother-in-law, was also kidnapped to the brainwashing center and suffered persecution there because she steadfastly cultivated Dafa.

Currently, both of them are detained in the Chatou Detention Center in Guangzhou City, in the so-called "Law Study Class," which is actually a place to persecute Dafa practitioners.

Fellow Dafa practitioners, let's send forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the remaining rotten demons in other dimensions which attempt to damage Dafa.