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Ms. Zhou Wenjie from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Is Tortured to Death by Changchun City Police

Feb. 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) According to insiders from the police system, Dafa disciple Zhou Wenjie was tortured to death by police officers in Changchun City on May 26, 2002.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Wenjie, 40 years old, was an English teacher at Dongfeng County's No. 2 Middle School in Liaoyuan City. Before obtaining the Fa she had a serious diabetic condition. After obtaining the Fa, her problem disappeared without receiving any treatment. She conducted herself according to Falun Dafa at all times and tried to be a good person according to Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. In 1998, the southern part of China encountered serious flooding. She sold one of her houses for 25,000 Yuan and donated all the money to the government.

On July 20, 1999, the Jiang regime launched its persecution of Falun Gong. In order to safeguard the truth and speak from her heart, she went to Beijing to appeal, exercising the constitutional right that is given to each citizen, yet she experienced persecution. In October 1999, she was unlawfully sentenced to one-year of forced labor and was kept in the Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province. In the labor camp she remained firm in her belief, resisted the brainwashing and her sentence was extended for another year. She was unconditionally released in September 2001 and she walked nobly and confidently out of the labor camp.

On May 20, 2002, Changchun Railway Police Station personnel kidnapped her when she was speaking out about the facts. She firmly resisted the persecution and refused to reveal her name and address. She protested her arrest with a hunger strike and was tortured to death on May 26, 2002.

After her death, her body was kept in the Third Hospital of Bai Qiuen Medical University for cryogenics. The police informed her family members a few days later. Chief Wu from the No. 1 Section of Changchun City Police Department and two other people handled her case. They falsely stated that Zhou Wenjie had a heart attack during her hunger strike and died on the way to the hospital.

Her neck, armpit, arms and some other places showed obvious rope marks. Moreover, one chief official from No. 1 Section of the city police department admitted responsibility for the death of Ms. Zhou. According to the people who knew Zhou Wenjie, she had never had any heart problems. According to people from the "610 Office," Zhou Wenjie's family received 30,000 Yuan. Moreover, Chuangchun City Police Department authorities paid for the funeral, about 6,000 Yuan, including the reception, cremation and funeral clothes. What does all this tell us? It is obvious that Zhou Wenjie was more than likely murdered.

The phone number of Chief Wu from the No. 1 Section of the city police department: 86-13504325087