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In Memory of Dafa Practitioner Cheng Yong from the Dalian Development Zone, Liaoning Province

Feb. 9, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Thirty-seven year old Dafa practitioner Cheng Yong was a former employee of the agricultural bank in the Dalian Development Zone. He was an honest, strong person. He received awards for 5 consecutive years in his job for his hard work, and was highly trusted and respected by his supervisors and colleagues. He had a good relationship with the people in his neighborhood and was well liked by all. He was also a good son, husband and father. He attained Dafa in 1994, and had been an assistant of his local Dafa practice site.

He took the initiative to work for the benefit of others. He spent one thousand Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] of his own money to buy two tape recorders for the practice site. Each morning, he took the recorder to the practice site to do the exercises. During one Dafa activity, he hung up Dafa banners and was secretly videotaped by plainclothes policemen.

In September 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but was illegally arrested and escorted back home, and then detained at the third detention center in the Dalian development zone.

When the local "610 office" [a bureau specifically created by the Jiang to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] compiled a dossier on him, he was labeled as a "district leader" by the police.

The manager at his work unit talked with him and said: "I am not asking you to write a letter of guarantee. If you would verbally guarantee to sever ties with Falun Gong, then you can go back to work." Cheng Yong chose not to give up Falun Gong and was fired by his employer. Though he lost his job, he still cultivated diligently on his path to Fa-rectification.

At the end of June 2000, the "610 office" of Dalian City organized a brainwashing center to abuse Dafa practitioners at the Dalian Detoxification and Rehabilitation Center. Cheng Yong was sent there illegally by local police for two months and forced to pay 2000 Yuan each month. In the brainwashing center, Falun Gong practitioners were detained on the fourth and sixth floors. Those who had written a guarantee [of giving up the practice of Falun Gong] were detained on the sixth floor while those who refused to write it were detained on the fourth floor. Cheng Yong was on the fourth floor. The guards in the brainwashing center called him a "stone-man." Whatever brainwashing methods they used had no effect on Cheng Yong. Later someone told Cheng Yong: "Now others have written guarantees, if you do not write one, they would say your attitude is not good. So just write something according to your own thoughts." Later a public procurator said he saw what Cheng Yong wrote, it was "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance". In September, the brainwashing session finished, the "610 office" ordered Cheng Yong to be transferred to the third detention center.

In November 2000, Xin, the deputy director of the Dalian development zone public security bureau, conspired with Miao (female), the deputy head of the political-economic security department, and Zhao Lian from the "610 office," to have Cheng Yong sent to the Dalian Forced Labor Camp charged with "disturbing social security." In the camp, Cheng Yong was tortured badly. He was denied visits, letters, and deprived of his human rights. On March 19, 2001, the camp had orders to transform Dafa practitioners through torture. Cheng Yong refused to accept the transformation and was beaten until he lost consciousness.

One night after 11 pm, police officer Qiao Wei brought some people and suddenly searched Cheng Yong's cell. Even the bedding was shredded as they looked for an excuse to further persecute him, but they found nothing.

In May 2001, policeman Wang Jun, together with a group of criminals, brought Cheng Yong to a room. Wang Jun ordered criminal Liu Yong (from Jin Zhou, who has since been released) to torture Cheng Yong. The cries of pain were terrible to hear. They stuffed Cheng Yong's mouth with dirty rags and tortured him with electric batons. Cheng Yong's once healthy body was covered with injuries.

In the camp, Cheng Yong was infected with scabies. Since studying the Fa and doing the exercises were not allowed, the scabies became more and more serious, leaving his leg with two indentations the size of eggs. The itching was unbearable and he could only sleep for two hours a night. Cheng Yong suffered from unbelievable pain both mentally and physically.

Cheng Yong had a pure and firm heart for Dafa. In such a horrible situation, he wrote a letter requesting the restoration of Falun Dafa's good reputation and its founder, and handed the letter to guard Li Xuejun. Li Xuejun turned the letter over to the camp management. They in turn sent the letter to the Liaoning province "610 office." They took Cheng Yong as the most determined Dafa practitioner and sent him to a "strict discipline" group.

In August 2001, unable to change the determined Dafa practitioners' minds by any means, the Dalian forced labor camp thought of another venomous scheme. They sent the 20 determined Dafa practitioners including Cheng Yong to the Guanshan Forced Labor Camp in Changtu County, the most remote county in Liaoning Province. This forced labor camp has very poor living conditions and is infamous for its cruelty in using criminals to beat people.

Among the 20 Dafa practitioners, four were sent to the Tieling Brick Factory Forced Labor Camp. Since the Guanshan Forced Labor Camp blocked information very tightly, the brutal torture inside the brick factory was not exposed. Cheng Yong was tortured to death there on January 30, 2002.

Jan. 27, 2003