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Summary of Other Articles and News - 03/06/2003

March 11, 2003


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

The following is an excerpt from "Letter from a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Qinghua University to Former Schoolmates about Her Husband Being Abducted--Please Do not Keep Silent while Facing Deception and Killing."

Wang Weiyu was abducted by the State Security police on August 12, 2002 and has not been heard from for over 6 months. All he did was to expose the facts about Falun Dafa to people in the world. Now he is missing, and no one knows what has been happening to him. Let's remember that the reason the evil can exist is that many kind-hearted people are still silent! If all kind-hearted people in the world stand up and condemn the violence of this persecution, then this disaster would end. Please tell our story to each person around you. Please forward my letter to all your friends and let all kind people know about this persecution. Please do not keep silent.

Falun Dafa practitioners Liu Yuanying and Huang Ping in Hengyang City, Hunan Province were abducted by police while clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in August 2001. They were illegally put on trial in September 2002. Liu Yuanying has been illegally sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment, while Huang Ping has been sentenced to 4 years of jail. Both of them have appealed to a higher court. Currently, they are illegally detained in the Hengyang City No.2 Detention Center. We hope all Dafa disciples who read this article will send forth the purest righteous thoughts to thoroughly eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions that persecute Dafa disciples.

Facts about the Persecution

In the end of October 1999, I went to Beijing to help with the Fa-rectification process, and was abducted to the Shunyi District Detention Center in Beijing, where I was tortured inhumanely. Police instructed prisoners to beat us, which ended up fracturing my ribs. They scorched my chin with a cigarette lighter. After I was released, my employer fabricated false "materials" against me, because I never gave up cultivation of Falun Dafa, which caused me to be illegally sentenced for 3 years in a forced labor camp. I was then sent to the Benxi Forced Labor Camp. I was tortured there with various means including assaults by a group of people, physical punishment, beating, sleep deprivation, and force-feeding, etc.

After July 20, 1999, my wife and I went to the Provincial government to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and sent to a stadium for temporary detention. It was a hot summer day, and tens of thousands of innocent Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly exposed to the baking sun in the stadium. On February 26, 2000, my wife and I went to Beijing to appeal, and we were arrested and sent to the Linye Detention Center in Dongjingcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. On September 9, 2001, I was illegally abducted again. Police beat me severely and ransacked my home. My pregnant wife was also abducted. I escaped from the police station later and went from one place to another homelessly in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home.

News from China

In the noon of a mid-summer day in July 2000, a restaurant adjacent to my home caught on fire. The fire was extended to my repair shop. At that critical moment, I met this situation with the righteous thoughts of a cultivator. The first thought I had was to rescue all Dafa books and materials. At the end, the restaurant was completely burnt down, but for some reason, the fire did not propagate to my areas. By-standers were amazed and said, "Hey, Mr. He, you are so lucky! There must be some one protecting you." I said, "Yes, Falun Dafa disciples are all fortunate. It was my Master who protected me."