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"Master Saved My Life!:" Falun Dafa Practitioner Uninjured After Being Hit by a Car

March 8, 2003


I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1999. Because of my everyday people's thinking, I stopped practicing after the evils began to persecute Dafa, even though I knew Dafa was good. I started to practice Dafa again in 2002, after receiving help from fellow practitioners. Soon after, I was involved in a car accident, but I was not hurt at all, due to Master's protection. The following is what happened:

I crossed an intersection while riding my bike. A minivan hit the left side of my body, impacting the area of the ilium bone. I became airborne and landed more than 10 meters (about 33 feet) away on the ground. The automobile was severely dented and the windshield had broken into pieces. At the moment I was hit I recalled what is said in the book Zhuan Falun. As I lay on the ground I was thinking that I wouldn't be hurt when I got up. I then saw a large, golden Falun turning above my head. I got up slowly. The driver of the minivan was a young man and was terribly scared. He insisted on sending me to the hospital. The check-up revealed nothing but some slight scratches. I practiced the sitting exercise that very evening. Though I had some pain on both sides of my body during the following days, I recovered from this major accident in about 10 days. I didn't spend a penny on treatment, and there were no after effects. Several other car accidents happened around that time; every one of them, except mine, resulted in severe injuries.

My family members were all scared. I had no fear at all at the accident scene, only a little bit after the accident, just like Master said. I know I might have died if Master hadn't protected me. My husband and my son are now more convinced of the magnificence of Dafa, and strongly support me in my Dafa practice. My coworkers were all amazed by what happened. The driver also came to my home to visit me, and said repeatedly that it was amazing.

At the time, I was much behind in studying the Fa, and my understanding of the Fa was still in the state of individual cultivation. I had only limited understanding of Fa-rectification cultivation, and I had fear and selfish notions of protecting myself. I therefore didn't take that good opportunity to validate Dafa, and didn't openly tell the driver and coworkers that I practice Dafa, and that it was Dafa that made this miracle happen. After discussions with fellow practitioners, I realize that it is my responsibility and mission to validate Dafa using every opportunity. I will help people understand Dafa's wonders and magnificence so that they will not be misled by the evil's propaganda, and so they have a righteous understanding of Dafa.