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Reflections on the Earthquake in Xinjiang

March 8, 2003 |   By Yan Ge


On February 24th, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China suffered an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale. According to a report by Xinhua Agency, this was the most serious earthquake in the region since 1949, when the new China was founded.

According to the Xinhua Agency's report, the earthquake has caused at least 258 deaths, over 1,000 injuries and the destruction of over 1,000 buildings. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was visiting Beijing, said at a news conference before he met with PRC Leader Jiang Zemin on the 24th, that he would like to send his sympathy and condolences to the families of those who were lost in this tragedy. According to an AFP report, before meeting the U.S. Secretary of State, Jiang said that he was told that the quake was not a major disaster.

This is an example of Jiang's dictatorship, which corrupts from the top down. Corrupt officials who are comfortable with embezzlement and other financial misconduct deceive and flatter their dictator. In turn, the dictator is only too willing to allow such deception by his subordinates, so that he can further deceive himself and others and be even more irresponsible. Many kind and innocent people think that only low-level government officials are corrupt and bribable, and that only they are harming people and deceiving the higher authorities. Actually it is the opposite. It is the dictator's corruption, his behaving like cruel nobility, and his enjoyment of how others sing his praises and follow his example that causes subordinates to be corrupt. As a result, the country does not look like a country anymore.

While many workers lose their jobs, farmers sell their blood to survive, and the youth are not in school, Jiang spends the people's hard-earned money to buy himself a private plane, to renovate his former residence in his hometown, and to build a big theater. He appointed his son to act as the vice-president of the Academy of Science and use the nation's resources to wantonly accumulate wealth for his family. He also spent massive amounts from the state treasury to set up the nation-wide "610" terrorist organizations [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Now Jiang's corrupt behavior and harming of the innocent are bringing many disasters to China. Let's join together to expose Jiang's cruel regime and restrain him according to the law.