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Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Xinze in the Ziyang Detention Center, Sichuan Province

March 8, 2003 |   By an eyewitness

(Clearwisdom.net) On September 4, 2002, Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Xinze was brutally tortured to death from electric shocks and other cruel means in the Ziyang Detention Center.

While wearing shackles, he was shocked with electric batons for 40 minutes. He was also forced to do heavy manual labor, carrying red-hot bricks from a brick furnace. The temperature in this working environment is around 80 to 90 degrees Celsius (176-190F). People who work there have to wear protective clothing and headgear before they enter to avoid burning their skin and hair.

The guards there ordered the common prisoners to beat Dafa practitioners and monitored the practitioners 24 hours a day. Two or three prisoners monitored one practitioner. They would use all kinds of excuses to torture Dafa practitioners if they didn't give up their belief or if they did the Dafa exercises. The prisoners used Dafa practitioners as "drill tools" on the exercise ground. Several prisoners kicked one practitioner, even when the practitioner vomited and passed out. I witnessed my fellow practitioner Li Xinze die from physical and mental torture.

Ziyang City Labor Camp: 86-832-679-9006

Ziyang City Police Department: 86-832-624-2347

Ziyang City National Security: 86-832-203-8446 ext. 2078

Ziyang City National People's Congress Standing Committee
Address: Heyanzui, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province
Heyanzui, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province (mailing address)
Phone number: 86-832-665-5513

Ziyang City Intermediate People's Court:
Address: South Heping Street, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province
Phone number: 86-832-624-2997, 86-823-622-4705
Ziyang area Intermediate People's Court: 86-832-623-4979

Ziyang City Government
Address: Heyanzui, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province
Phone number: 86-832-665-5501