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Falun Dafa Practitioner from Remote Rural Area Recounts Her Story of Persecution During Her Pregnancy

April 1, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner living in a remote rural area. I learned Falun Dafa at the end of March 1999.

On July 20th 1999, when the evil persecution began, village leaders came to practitioners' homes to threaten and intimidate them. Whoever refused to listen to their orders would be sentenced to jail terms, paraded through the streets, and criticized and denounced at public meetings. Daily, the village loudspeaker broadcast propaganda against Falun Dafa. I would either be called to meetings or asked to report to the village office frequently so my normal life was seriously disrupted. Later, these evil people also tried to force me to write slanderous or abusive statements against Falun Dafa and our Teacher. They said if I refused to do so they would send me to brainwashing classes run by the county. The head of the village ordered me to hand in "A Statement Exposing and Criticising Falun Dafa" the following day. At that time I only had one thought and that was not to give up Dafa. Finally I stated to the village leadership that I would never abuse my Teacher or Dafa, and would never go to the brainwashing class. The whole thing ended on an indefinite note.

I got married in July 2000 and moved to another township with my husband. During that time I heard of many Falun Dafa practitioners going to Beijing to validate the Fa (Law and Principles) and news of arrests came one after another. After July 20th I was stopped by police each time I tried to go to Beijing so my wish was not fulfilled. Only when I read Teacher's "Serious Teachings" was I shocked deep in my heart. That night I tossed all night without feeling sleepy. I agonized over what to do. Only after constantly reading experience-sharing articles written by other practitioners did I learn what to do. By the end of the year, my husband went to Beijing to safeguard the Fa and unfolded a banner saying, "Falun Dafa Teaches People to Incline to Compassion" and "Cultivating Falun Dafa Is Not a Crime" at Jinshui Bridge near the Tiananmen Rostrum. Immediately after he unfolded the banner the vicious policemen pounced on him. They punched and kicked him and then took him to a detention center near Tiananmen Square. From there he was taken to Pinggu County (near Beijing) where he and other Dafa practitioners were severely tortured.

My husband could not bear the torture any more so he spelled out his home address. Then the township leaders led dozens of evil perpetrators in several trucks straight to my home. They illegally searched my house and took all our furniture and threatened to fine us 8,000 to 10,000 dollars. When my husband was returned to Beijing he was taken directly to the detention centre without letting him see his family and no one was allowed to visit him. One month later he was sent back to the township. At that time I was pregnant and went to the township office asking them to release my husband. They refused and threatened if I did not pay a fine they would send my husband to a forced labour camp. I decided to stay there. The deadlock lasted a few days. Our child was due in about a dozen days. What could I do if my husband was not around to take care of me? I just grabbed my husband and went toward the gate. About 7 or 8 guards including their leader blocked our way. They dragged and pulled my husband from me with force. I tried to keep my husband at my side, but suddenly the hand that was holding on to him came loose. As a result I tripped and fell down the stairs and landed heavily on the cement floor on my back. The back of my head hit the floor. The police did not want to shoulder the responsibility so they called in medical personnel, saying it had nothing to do with them. Several construction workers had witnessed the incident. To avoid being responsible the police decided to let us leave, but even then they still insisted we pay the fine. They said if we did not have money we had to sign a bill in acknowledgement of the debt and find a guarantor. They also asked us to report to the village office in person twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Two weeks after we returned home I gave birth to a child and the whole family was very happy. However, the good times did not last long. About three weeks after the birth of my child, the township sent people to my home and ordered my husband to go with them. We refused because we knew it was a trick. If we went with them you could not tell what would happen later on. When they found that their soft tactics did not work they used hard ones and attempted to take him away by force. Our whole family argued strongly on just ground and my husband stayed. However, the matter did not end there. A week and a half later, my husband was kidnapped by the township officials; then he was sent to the county detention centre and later ended up in a forced labor camp. This made it very hard for me and my baby, who was only one month old.

We only tried to be good people and spoke fairly for Dafa, but our family was torn apart. Whose fault was it and who was persecuting kindness?

We had gained so much from practicing Falun Dafa, which purified our hearts and minds and made us healthier. Because of this my whole family practices Falun Dafa. Even my child benefited. The child is nearly two years old, and has never fallen ill. This little child is strong and naughty. When one person practices Falun Dafa the whole family will benefit. This is the miracle of Dafa!