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Let People in China Know about the Persecution Occurring All Around Them

April 1, 2003


In clarifying the truth to Chinese people in a better and deeper way, Dafa opens wisdom that is unceasingly embodied and brought into play. Fellow practitioners have gained profound experiences exposing the evil, clarifying the truth and saving the world's people in accordance with different areas and situations, while in the past they used to tell the truth in an unorganized fashion.

A Man Learns That All the Persecution Occurs Just Around Him

One day, a fellow practitioner in an online chat room clarified the truth to a person from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. The practitioner told him that labor camps in Harbin illegally and cruelly persecute good people who cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." The person said that he often visited Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin and was friends with a few policemen there. How did he never hear about it?

This practitioner immediately opened up "Fa Wang Huihui" (a website documenting cases of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners), and then one by one told him about the real cases of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in Wanjia Labor Camp. The practitioner told him the facts that the policemen persecuted these good people with brutal means, and then read the names of some criminal police to him. The person was greatly astonished, and he said that he did not know that the policemen had done things like this nor did he know that some of these things were done by his friends.

As a result, this practitioner realized the importance of clarifying the truth and exposing the evil to people systematically in all areas. When people find out that brutal persecution is happening right next to and all around them, the numbness and indifference that has been created by all the lies and deceit will be dispelled. The stimulation of the kind thoughts still remaining in their hearts makes them become more rational and instinctively choose between virtue and evil.

The Truth Emerges in Front of a Public Security Officer

One day, a fellow practitioner clarifying the truth in an online chat room met an officer working in the Department of Public Security in Guizhou Province. This officer said some bad words about Falun Gong. While sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind him, the practitioner quickly opened the "Fa Wang Huihui" website at the same time. He then told the police officer the facts about the criminals in the Guizhou "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems), brainwashing classes, detention centers and police stations; and also told him that "the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" had been established to investigate all evil people persecuting Falun Gong. After hearing all of this, the policeman had no words to say.