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Stories of Starting Learning Falun Dafa in Prison

April 12, 2003


"Falun Dafa has changed me for the better, so I am determined to practice it."

A female inmate in the Dongcheng District Detention Center, Beijing, made up her mind to give up her vices after hearing about the Dafa principles and the truth about Falun Dafa, and she started cultivation by learning the exercises from practitioners in prison. A guard tried to stop her but was unsuccessful. The guard asked her why she wanted to practice Falun Gong. She said, "The Party has not been able to change me to be a better person after all these years. It is Falun Dafa that changed me. That's why I want to practice it." The guard said, "Then do it in the mornings when you go back home."

"I would rather be shackled and sent to prison than give up practicing Falun Dafa."

A female inmate from No.7 Department Detention Center, Beijing, benefited right away from hearing about the principles and about the truth of Falun Dafa. Her migraine headaches were cured. So she began to do the practices with the practitioners and protected them whenever she could. When a guard found out about it, he threatened to beat her, but she would not give in. Then the police forced her to sleep by the restroom and shackled her hands behind her back for one month, which is hard for most people to endure even for a few days. She endured the great pain, though. She said firmly, "I would rather be shackled and sent to prison than give up practicing Falun Dafa."

"The most regrettable thing is that I cannot get a copy of Zhuan Falun."

After meeting many Falun Dafa practitioners in the Shenyang Detention Center in Liaoning Province, a female inmate realized the truth about Falun Dafa. She regretted that she did not know about Falun Dafa earlier, or else she would not have committed the crimes that landed her in prison. She decided to study and practice with the practitioners. The police tried to stop her by shackling her legs for 15 days, but she did not give in. She said, "The most regrettable thing is that I cannot get a copy of Zhuan Falun (The main book of Falun Dafa)."
