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Village Officials Protect Dafa Practitioners after Learning the Truth of the Persecution

April 15, 2003



All the officials in a village in Northeastern China have become awakened after Falun Dafa practitioners clarified the truth of the persecution to them continuously with righteous thoughts and actions. They no longer wanted to assist the police in their evildoing against Dafa practitioners. Police officers went to the village many times to ransack practitioners' homes, conduct brainwashing sessions, and to demand practitioners to write so-called "guarantee letters," but village officials always informed the practitioners ahead of time to hide their Falun Dafa books. Thus, the police always came in vain.

Learned the Truth and Was Rewarded, Hepatitis B Healed Automatically

After I began to practice Falun Dafa, I benefited greatly physically and spiritually. At the beginning, my family members could not understand my going to Beijing to validate the Fa. After I repeatedly clarified the truth to them, they understood. One of my relatives then clarified the truth to his relatives. Over a dozen of his family members came to have a positive attitude toward Falun Dafa. Because of his supporting Falun Dafa, the hepatitis B that he had suffered from for 30 years disappeared. Now, he feels energetic. He said that he is thankful for the practitioners who helped him to learn the truth about Falun Dafa, and that his son is now clarifying the truth to his coworkers in his working unit.