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Some Facts Related to the Death of Dafa Practitioner Gao Shuhua in Weifang City

April 19, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Around 5 a.m. on March 26, 2003, Ms. Gao Shuhua was dragged to a force-feeding session during her hunger strike. Shortly after, came the news of her death. A heavy thunderstorm hit Weifang City hard that very day!

Since Jiang Zemin started to persecute Falun Gong, 30 Weifang Falun Gong practitioners have lost their lives due to the persecution. Thousands were sentenced to labor camps or received prison terms and about 100 practitioners from Weifang were forced to leave their homes to avoid arrest. In the past, Weifang was known to the world as "Kite City" for it's colorful displays during kite festivals. Now it is notorious for killing innocent people.

Ms. Gao Shuhua, a 49-year-old practitioner, was a resident of Guanzhonghe Street in Weicheng District. Her husband, Tian Yongkang (also a practitioner), was illegally sent to a labor camp six months ago. Today, he is still detained in Weifang Changle Labor Camp.

Gao Shuhua was arrested March 14 while distributing truth-clarifying materials. During her 13 days' detention in Weicheng Detention Center, she started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Under police questioning, all she said was, "I am a Dafa practitioner." The criminal inmates in the same cell said she practiced Falun Gong, recited Dafa books and sang songs to promote Dafa.

Back in 2000, Gao Shuhua went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested by a Beijing police deputy. Gao Shuhua told the deputy her own experience, including how she took care of her ailing mother-in-law. The police deputy was moved and he told Gao in front of other people: "I now realize that Falun Dafa teaches people to be good. Your mother-in-law is very fortunate to have you for her daughter-in-law!" This deputy used his own car to take three Dafa practitioners to the train station.

But now, Gao has been killed by the police at Weicheng District Detention Center, leaving her aging mother-in-law and daughter home without proper care.

Her body was kept in the 89th Hospital. Although makeup was applied to her body, traces of torture remained visible: there were blisters all over her body, a white substance was dripping from her mouth, and one sleeve of her sweater was torn off. Her bed was marked: "No Name."

According to her fellow inmates, at about 5 a.m. on March 26, Gao Shuhua was dragged away to undergo force feeding. After the inmates returned from their dinner, Gao Shuhua was found lying there, dying. These inmates have seen many force feedings performed on Falun Gong practitioners and all knew what it was about. However, the guards shamelessly lied and told a completely different story. "Gao Shuhua suddenly died while singing, " they said. Some believe that the thunderstorm and heavy downpour that day was an expression of heaven's anger.

Police made a great effort to hide the truth. As a result, we knew very few details about what happened. On the day of cremation, five police cars arrived early at the crematory. Many police showed up: Weicheng District 610 Office head Xu Wensheng, Weicheng Detention Center Director Han, and the police chief at Xiguan Police Station of Weicheng District all came ahead of schedule. Police delivered Gao's body to the crematory. No relatives were allowed to accompany them. Police officers even changed her clothes. Afterwards, the police told Gao Shuhua's family, "The province documents requires that her family cover the crematory fee. We will provide a receipt for future reimbursement from your local government." One could hardly imagine that they could be so cruel as to ask the victim's family to pay for the cremation after killing her.

In 13 days, a life full of energy was destroyed. Gao's husband was denied a last visitation. Her daughter had to face the harsh reality of her father's detention and her mother's death. Worrying that her grandmother may be unable to bear the bad news, she had to put on a smiling face and told her, "Mom went to Jinan City on business. She will be back in a few days." Now the elderly grandmother asks every day when her daughter-in-law will come back.

Organizations and individuals responsible for Gao Shuhua's death:

Weicheng District Detention Center of Weifang City

Phone: 86-536-8902110
Head: Director Han, male, in his 40s.

Weicheng District Police Station of Weifang City

Office phone: 86-536-8322510
Political Department: 86-536-8189921
Reception Office: 86-536-8189943
Head of "610 office": Xu Wensheng
Political and Security Section (specialized in persecuting Falun Gong)

Weicheng District Xiguan Police Station, Weifang City

Phone: 86-536-8555740