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Good Thoughts and Good Deeds Bring Good Fortune

April 19, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China


Dafa Has Already Brought Good Fortune to Me

A Falun Dafa practitioner went to see a sick friend. The friend said, "Since I keep my bicycle in the hallway, I often receive Dafa truth clarifying materials which were put into my bicycle-basket. After I read those materials, I pass them on to my workmates. I think Dafa has brought good fortune to me already. Today, I turned on my TV set, which has been out of order for three months, and unexpectedly found that it has started working again. Also, my stomach ulcer has recently improved, and today, I am glad that you came to see me again."

I Told Them I Practiced Falun Gong

When a Dafa practitioner was clarifying the truth to a security guard at his factory, the guard said, "I'd say Falun Gong is good and Dafa practitioners are all good people. I want to learn Falun Gong, too."

So the guard began doing the sitting meditation whenever he had time. One day, he found the Dafa practitioner again and said, "I previously had enteritis and had to go to the toilet five or six times a day. However, my enteritis was cured after I started doing the sitting meditation."

"Once, I went back to my hometown. The water source in my hometown was not clean and there were quite a few people suffering from enteritis. They asked me what kind of medicine cured my enteritis. I told them I practiced Falun Gong and that Falun Gong cured it. They said that they wanted to learn Falun Gong, too."