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Complicated Source of SARS; Epidemic Launches Unprecedented Attack in Asia

April 22, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) An epidemic, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, is attacking Asia with unprecedented force.

According to an article published in the Taiwan News Weekly on April 17, the SARS crisis shows the Chinese government's complete control of information. This is unbefitting with the times and has caused severe problems.

Taiwan News Weekly states, "As an epidemic, SARS is causing unprecedented disaster in Asia. In the past month, SARS cases heard from Hong Kong have caused uneasiness in the international community. As a contagious epidemic, SARS has caused historically unprecedented turmoil reflected in social anxiety, government warnings and media surveillance, which is almost comparable to a large-scale attack in Asia by biological and chemical weapons."

The initial focus of the SARS crisis had centered on Hong Kong. After one month, it has led to an economic crisis, and the Hong Kong economy, which had already been weak, has been seriously damaged. It has further transformed into an ongoing political crisis. This is the most serious political crisis since Hong Kong's return to the Chinese regime on July 1, 1997.

The same thing happened in other countries, including Malaysia and China, both of which are covering up the true situation about the disease. China is suffering the greatest crisis. Faced with this crisis, the Chinese government first covered up the truth. Although this is normal for an autocratic regime, nevertheless, under great pressure from the international community, the Chinese government could no longer conceal the truth and was forced to publicly apologize for "delay in treatment." However, regarding the details of the epidemic, the Chinese government is still playing word games and is thus drawing more and more international complaints and pressure. Three international leaders, including the premier of Great Britain, cancelled their planned trips to China in early and mid April. The World Health Organization's strong reaction against the Chinese government shows pressure from the international community.

Sergei Kovesnikov, an academician from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences pointed out in a press conference held on April 10 in Siberia, that the SARS virus is a combination of two viruses, the virus of measles and of infectious parotiditis, or mumps. These two viruses can only be made in a laboratory, so in his opinion it's a virus developed for biological weapons. Therefore, Kovesnikov deduced that this virus had accidentally leaked out.

This conclusion has not been verified, and the Chinese government has not made any comments regarding this claim. It is noteworthy that information bureaus in the U.S. and Canada discovered that Guangdong Province, the location of the first breakout, is also the location of a special research unit on biochemical weapons. This special unit belongs to the People's Liberation Army, and they conduct long-term research and develop biochemical germs.

Up to now, the outside world has not been able to verify the authenticity of this conjecture, although it seems more and more people are willing to accept this "theory" as true.

April 17, 2003