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Some Thoughts Arising from Using a Wristwatch to Automatically Ring Once an Hour

April 3, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) For quite some time, I had set the alarm on my wristwatch to ring every day at 11:54 PM. On March 3rd, 2003, my wristwatch alarm automatically rang once every hour to remind me of the time for sending forth righteous thoughts. However, not acting according to the Fa, I repeatedly tried to cancel the alarm but no matter what I did the alarm did not cancel. On the following day, I suddenly realized my mistake after reading an article that was published on Minghui Weekly entitled, "Dafa practitioners from Mainland China appeal to more Dafa practitioners to begin sending forth righteous thoughts intensively and clarify the truth using all means."

Since that day, I have made the best use of my time to study the Fa, send forth righteous thought, and to deliver materials that clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Whenever I would hear the hourly alarm, a sacred power arose in my heart. As I think of those sentient beings who were suppressed by the evil and those practitioners who have suffered from the cruel persecution, I then think of our mission and remember Teacher telling us, "All the beings are counting on you!"("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.") I have become more determined in my cultivation.

Teacher said, "Cherish the present time and make the best use of it -- this time is meant for the disciples." ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference" in Guiding the Voyage, July 2001). We will cherish every minute and every second. I will use the time with wisdom and the divine power that I have gained in my cultivation in Falun Dafa in doing these three things - studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth, so that we can live up to Teacher's compassionate salvation and the hope of all sentient beings. Let us completely eliminate the old forces' arrangements, including every deviated thought and action. We must be sure not to be moved by any human notions and let go of our attachments. Teacher says, "Cherish all of this, there won't be a next time. Developing any attachment will ruin you halfway along! Don't entertain or get attached to any human thoughts, and just do what a Dafa disciple should do. Everything that's wonderful, that's the most magnificent, and that's the most glorious awaits you!"("Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")