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Latest News from China - 03/28/2003

April 6, 2003



  1. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Many Dafa Practitioners in Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp Are Sent to a Hospital Emergency Room After Brutal Torture
  2. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Keji Is Illegally Sentenced to Eight Years in Jail
  3. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Some Hunger Striking Dafa Practitioners Are in Critical Condition
  4. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Ping Goes on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution in Dalian City Detention Center
  5. [China] A Safety Reminder for Fellow Practitioners
  6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Laiwu City Police Arrest Dafa Practitioner Wang Shujian
  7. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Lin Yuhua Is Illegally Sent to a Forced Labor Camp Again
  8. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Feng Ruixue, an Instructor at the Hebei Medical School, Is Arrested, and Her Whereabouts Are Unknown
  9. [Liaoning Province] Guards at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Threaten Family Members of Dafa Practitioners
  10. [Anqiu City, Shandong Province] Police and Staff of Local "610 Office" Arrest Practitioners at Will
  11. [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Yuegongyu Police Station Illegally Arrests Dafa Practitioner Meng Fengqin
  12. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested while Clarifying the Truth
  13. [Shandong Province] Persecutors Illegally Send Dafa Practitioner Zhang Xilian to a Forced Labor Camp
  14. [Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province] Yuehu District Court Illegally Sentences Several Dafa Practitioners
  15. [Qi County, Henan Province] Four Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested
  16. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Who Work for Huludao City Zinc Plant, Including Wei Yanjiang and Li Yuxian, Are Arrested
  17. [Wenshan County, Yunnan Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Guofang Is Illegally Detained
  18. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Persecutors Arrest Dafa Practitioner Du Jinling and Gao Xiufang from Hongtoushan Town

1. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Many Dafa Practitioners in Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp Are Sent to a Hospital Emergency Room After Brutal Torture

Recently, persecutors in the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp brutally tortured the illegally detained Dafa practitioners in order to force them to give up their cultivation. Practitioner Zhang Changming from Qitaihe City was tortured to death, and many others were sent to a hospital emergency room in critical condition.

According to information that has just arrived, three more senior female practitioners are in critical condition as a result of severe torture:

Being afraid to take responsibility, the forced labor camp is trying to release the three practitioners on bail for medical treatment.

2. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Keji Is Illegally Sentenced to Eight Years in Jail

Wang Keji is the person formerly in charge of the Bukou Town Falun Gong assistance center. In October 2001, persecutors in the Weicheng District Police Department sentenced him/her to 8 years in jail for explaining the facts about the persecution. Currently, Wang is detained in Weibei Farm in Weifang City. The perpetrators also ransacked his/her home and took away property valued at approximately 200,000 Yuan [Chinese dollar. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is about 500 Yuan, but only 200 Yuan for a rural worker].

3. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Some Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike Are in Critical Condition

Dafa practitioners illegally detained in Pengzhou City went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Some are now in critical condition. We call for other Dafa practitioners to help them by sending forth righteous thoughts.

4. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Ping Goes on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution in Dalian City Detention Center

Li Ping, female, 47 years old, is a resident of Dalian City. The persecutors illegally arrested her on February 27, 2003. Currently Li is on a hunger strike inside the Dalian City Detention Center, refusing food or water.

5. [China] A Safety Reminder for Fellow Practitioners

Since August 2002, Jiang's regime has been installing video surveillance cameras in areas where there are many Dafa practitioners. The perpetrators install many surveillance cameras on utility poles, buildings, and walls in order to monitor the activities of Dafa practitioners.

6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Laiwu City Police Arrest Dafa Practitioner Wang Shujian

Practitioner Wang Shujian works in a vehicle repair shop at the No. 3 Electric Construction Company of Shandong Province. On the night of March 19, 2003, Laiwu City police arrested him at his work place. The persecutors then took Wang to a room in a local hostel, where they interrogated him for two days. Where Wang is detained now is not known. Wang Shujian's work unit has illegally withheld his salary for almost two years, giving him only 200 Yuan per month for his basic living. Wang has aging parents, a wife, and children, and he needs to provide for of all of them.

The manager of the No. 3 Electric Construction Company, Wang Lujun, and directors of the Vehicle Group, Zhang Lianzhou and Zhang Dongsheng persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners in many ways. They illegally withheld salaries of several practitioners for one to two years, which left the practitioners in great financial hardship, and they monitored a Dafa practitioner for a long time. It is said that the company has won a so-called "honor work unit" for "not having anyone in the company that practices Falun Gong." Dafa practitioners who work for the company have been unfairly treated and serious persecuted.

7. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Lin Yuhua Is Illegally Sent to a Forced Labor Camp Again

Lin Yuhua is a female Dafa practitioner in her 50s. She was illegally detained for refusing to give up her belief in Falun Gong. The persecutors also forced her to attend two brainwashing classes, where she was held for dozens of days. They also threatened her and extorted money from her. Around June 2002, Lin escaped from the Xiaoyi Brainwashing Center in Laicheng District and left home for a long time in order to avoid persecution. On March 10, 2003, Laiwu City police arrested her again at her home. The persecutors sentenced her to a term in a forced labor camp on March 18, 2003. Currently, Lin Yuhua is detained in the No. 2 Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province, in Jinan City.

8. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Feng Ruixue, an Instructor at the Hebei Medical School, Is Arrested, and Her Whereabouts Are Unknown

Feng Ruixue is a female Dafa practitioner and an instructor at the Hebei Medical School. On the afternoon of March 14, 2003, the local police illegally arrested her and ransacked her home. Her whereabouts is unknown.

9. [Liaoning Province] Guards at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Threaten Family Members of Dafa Practitioners

The daughter of an elderly Dafa practitioner was arrested and sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, where she (also a Dafa practitioner) gave up her belief after suffering ferocious torture. Every time the old Dafa practitioner went to visit her daughter, she would bring Teacher's new articles and hoped that her daughter would wake up and do better as a Dafa practitioner. Recently, guards at the camp called the old practitioner and threatened her and other family members, saying that they had found some of Teacher's new articles in her daughter's cell and that they would not allow any more visits by family members. They also said that the detained practitioner was "good" until her visitor gave her Teacher's new articles. The detained practitioner had declared that she would continue to practice Falun Gong after her mother had visited. The guards said that they would not take any responsibility for any "consequences," even if her life were in danger.

10. [Anqiu City, Shandong Province] Police and Staff of Local "610 Office" Arrest Practitioners at Will

Since the beginning of 2003, the staff of Anqiu City "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] and the local police have been arresting Dafa practitioners. They use methods like climbing over the walls and prying open the doors to enter practitioner's homes. Among the practitioners arrested, Song Xiumei, Liu Qingmei, and others are still being detained illegally and being subjected to inhuman tortures.

Since July 1999, persecutors in Anqiu City have illegally arrested, detained, and sentenced hundreds of Dafa practitioners to jail terms or forced labor terms. They also set up brainwashing classes to torture and extort money from the practitioners. They have collected thousands of Yuan from the detained practitioners, possibly over ten thousand. Below is a partial list of the people in charge in the Anqiu Police Department and the "610 Office":

Former Chief of Anqiu Police Department: Ren Jinli
Chief of Anqiu Police Department: Nie (Jia) Kun
Deputy Chief of Anqiu Police Department: Song Yunqing
Former Director of Politics and Security Section: Cheng Shuping
Former Vice Director of Politics and Security Section: Dong Chuanlin
Anqiu Police Department officer: Zhang Jinxiao
Anqiu Police Department guards: Jia Zaijun, Ge Jiang, and Li Shenghua
Director of Anqiu "610 Office": Wang Ziqing
Vice Director of Anqiu "610 Office": Hu Shaoqun
Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee: Wang Naiping
Vice Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee: Li Fujin

11. [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Yuegongyu Police Station Illegally Arrests Dafa Practitioner Meng Fengqin

During the Two Conferences, the local "610 Office" ordered guards from Yuegongyu Police Station to arrest Dafa practitioner Meng Fengqin. Meng is currently detained at the Tumen City Detention Center. The persecutors also harassed other Dafa practitioners by repeatedly phoning them, and police vehicles patrolled the streets day and night. One of the people directly responsible is guard Li Jinyou from the Yuegongyu Police Station.

12. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

On March 19, 2003, the local police arrested practitioners Xiao Guilan and Yang Zexiu while they were explaining the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa to people at the Lingquanci Temple Fair. Recently, the police arrested another Dafa practitioner named Liao Hu (a taxi driver) in Xinqiao District while he was clarifying the truth to people.

13. [Shandong Province] Persecutors Illegally Send Dafa Practitioner Zhang Xilian to a Forced Labor Camp

Zhang Xilian is a 33-year-old female Dafa practitioner. On July 16, 2002, while staying at her mother's house in Caochang Village, Daning Town, Wei County, Hebei Province, she was arrested at approximately 2:00 a.m. by guards Liu and Li from the Xingtai City "610 Office" and police officers from Wei County. Later, guard Wang Yong from the Guan County Police Department escorted Zhang from Xingtai City back to Guan County. For a few months, Zhang Xilian's whereabouts were unknown. Her parents went to the Xingtai City Police several times to ask for information, but the police guards would not tell them anything. Instead, her parents were scolded. Recently, the persecutors sentenced Zhang to 18 months of forced labor and sent her to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Jinan City.

14. [Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province] Yuehu District Court Illegally Sentences Several Dafa Practitioners

On May 19, 2002, about 30 Dafa practitioners from Yingtan City held an experience sharing conference. In July 2002, upon finding out that the conference had taken place, the Yuehu District Police Sub-department arrested about 20 of the practitioners who had participated in the conference. The perpetrators severely tortured many of the arrested practitioners to force them to reveal the names of the other participants. About 10 days later, most of the arrested practitioners were released. In November 2002, the Yuehu District Court illegally tried and sentenced the following Dafa practitioners to jail: Li Meilian (5 years), Xu Lihong (4 years), Hu Shuihua (4 years), Zhao Xiying (4 years), Li Yaping (4 years), Liu Haifang (3 years), Yu Hongying (3 years), and Yu Yuqiong (3 years). Practitioner Wu Waiping escaped from Yingtan City, but was arrested while passing out truth-clarifying fliers in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. The Jinhua City Court illegally sentenced her to four and one-half years in jail. Practitioner Chen Laihua was sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. The perpetrators also ransacked the couple Wu Waiping and Yu Hongying's home, taking away all their valuables and property.

15. [Qi County, Henan Province] Four Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested

On the night of September 26, 2002, persecutors arrested practitioner Wang Jiling at her home. Wang has been in detention ever since. In February 2003, the police arrested practitioner Jia Zhongmin for distributing truth-clarifying materials. In December 2002, a couple (both practitioners whose names are unknown) in Zhaoji Village, Yuzhen Town were arrested at their home, which left their two children at home alone, with no one to take care of them.

16. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Who Work for Huludao City Zinc Plant, Including Wei Yanjiang and Li Yuxian, Are Arrested

On March 21, 2003, officers from the Xijie Police Station in Longgang District arrested 3 practitioners, including Wei Yanjiang (female) and Li Yuxian (female). Li escaped from the police station with the help of her righteous thoughts, yet she was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. The whereabouts of the other two arrested practitioners are unknown.

Xijie Police Station: 86-429-2102217
Longgang District Police Sub-station: 86-429-3180201
Director of Zinc Plant Security Division, Xie Jude: 86-429-2105398 (Office)
Zinc Plant Security Division Officer, Fan Junjiu: 86-429-2105034 (Office)

17. [Wenshan County, Yunnan Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Guofang Is Illegally Detained

The local police illegally detained practitioner Li Guofang for distributing truth-clarifying materials.

18. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Persecutors Arrest Dafa Practitioner Du Jinling and Gao Xiufang from Hongtoushan Town

On March 13, 2003, practitioner Du Jinling (a female in her 60s) and Gao Xiufang (a female in her 40s) were arrested by the county "610 Office" while they were posting truth-clarifying materials in Cangshi Village. The two practitioners are still illegally detained in the Qingyuan Detention Center.