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Guelph Mercury (Canada): Letter to the Editor

April 9, 2003

April 4, 2003

Dear Editor - The March forum on Falun Gong at the University of Guelph was aimed at giving a thorough introduction to this extraordinary meditation practice. Falun Gong is an ancient art form from China, embodying the essence of good nature and healthy living through teaching the principles of truth, compassion and tolerance, and teaching five gentle Qigong ("chee-gong") exercises.

The forum also included information on the current situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In 1999, the total number of people practising Falun Gong reached a notable 70 million, which slightly outnumbered the current Chinese communist party membership. Although the government in China had up to that time heavily supported and aided the citizens of China to learn Falun Gong, the practice was immediately outlawed. To this day, persecution of horrific proportions continues in China. Due to the tight media controls that the government there has, the persecution has remained virtually unknown to most western people.

The United States congress and governments throughout the world have passed resolutions condemning the actions of the communist party in China. Also, groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have fully supported the Falun Gong practitioners in China who are suffering through this treacherous time. It is important for people of Guelph and Canada to realize the severity of this unfolding human rights atrocity and be well-versed in the situation that is facing a group of peaceful, kindhearted people on the other side of the world.

David Meek
