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Practitioners Broadcasting Truth-Clarifying Programs on Cable TV in Changchun Are Severely Tortured in Jilin Prison

May 10, 2003


Liang Zhenxing was brutally beaten by inmates, who were ordered to do so by the prison police.

Lei Ming was forced to write a "letter of repentance" after having been brutally beaten. During his detention in a small cell, he bit his finger open to write a solemn declaration in blood to invalidate the "letter of repentance." Later, the prison police viciously and relentlessly beat him.

Zhang Hongwei was tied on a "dead person's bed" [The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.] for many days. His inner thighs and other areas of his body developed festering sores.

Officials directly responsible for the tortures:

Jinlin City Prison Political Supervisor, Liu Changjiang;

Education Unit Leaders, Li and Geng.

Original article date: 5/1/2003