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Practitioner Wan Chao of Yingcheng City, Hubei Province, Goes On Hunger Strike to Protest His Arrest

May 10, 2003


Wan Chao, male, 33 years old, is a teacher at the Langjunluda Elementary School, Yingcheng City, Hubei Province.

On April 2, 2003, the Yingcheng City Public Security Bureau and Langjun Police Station sent out police to the school where Wan Jun worked and took him into custody, interrogating and threatening him day and night. The guards lied to Wang Chao, "As long as you sign the statement under interrogation, (admitting that he had distributed Falun Gong materials), you will be released." Wan Chao signed the document. On the evening of April 3, they not only didn't release Wan Chao, but also sent him to First Detention Center of Yingcheng City. On April 4, the guards announced that he had been sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. Wan Chao went on a hunger strike for one week to resist the treatment. After April 18, the guards sent Wan Chao to Rangfan Forced Labor Camp and later the Shayang Forced Labor Camp, but they both rejected Wan Chao. He is now being jailed in the First Detention Center of Yingcheng City. On April 18, Wan Chao started a second round of hunger strikes and it has been over a week now. On April 25, the guards took him to the hospital to force feed him.

Those responsible for persecuting Wan Chao

Zuo Yong'an, Chief of Langjun Police Station: 86-13907293548 (cell)
Zhou Hua, Principal of Langjunluda Elementary School: 86-712-3518656(Home)
Lu Huofa, Vice-principal of Langjunluda Elementary School: 86-712-3519011(Home)
Nie Meshan, Head of the Political and Security Department, Yingcheng Public Security Bureau 86-13971940576 (Home)
Tang Zhuqing, Director of Yingcheng City First Detention Center: 86-712-3229088

Practitioners Ms. Tian Qingxiang (30 years old) and Ms. Zhou (50 years old), both from Yingcheng City, were arrested by Yingcheng City police on April 2, 2003 and taken to Yingcheng City Second Detention Center and Yingcheng City First Detention Center, respectively, where they have been held since.
