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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Different Countries in the World Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday (Photo)

May 10, 2003


Layer upon layer, Master rectifies the colossal firmament,
You personally lead students to save sentient beings.
Were it not for your vast and mighty grace,
How could it be possible for students to have this chance!
Your students will definitely achieve the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism through cultivation.
We shall follow Master to return to our origin!

Happy Birthday, Master!

Honorable Master, Happy Birthday!

Under Teacher's greatest mercy and infinite grace, Dafa disciples and sentient beings in the cosmos are able to welcome the day that both heaven and earth are celebrating. There are no words that can express your disciples' boundless appreciation and gratitude towards benevolent Master. We can only do the three things well that Teacher has asked us to do.

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