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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Mainland China Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday (2) (Photos)

May 10, 2003


Under Master's vast merciful protection, we have gone through the past four years of vicious persecution. Under Buddha's infinite grace, with righteous faith in Master and Dafa and with righteous thoughts, in the course of practicing "validating the Fa with rationality, clarifying the truth with wisdom, spreading the Fa and saving people with mercy" (Essentials for Further Advancement II -- Rationality), the practitioners in Fushun City broke through layer upon layer of resistance and difficulties. They have traversed a difficult but splendid part of the way in Fa-rectification. Every Dafa particle used different ways in his or her own environment to explain the facts and offer salvation to sentient beings, to resist the evil persecution and to validate Dafa, created many amazing occurrences in the human world and countless touching stories. These are a testament to Dafa's magnificence and extraordinary power.

On the occasion when Master's birthday is upcoming, all the Dafa practitioners in our city would like to send our most sincere greetings to our great and benevolent Master, who has given all he has to sentient beings in the cosmos. We Wish Master a Happy Birthday!

In the future course of Fa-rectification, all Dafa disciples will continue to do well the three things that a Dafa disciple is supposed to do, so as to fulfill Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples' mission and to express our gratitude for Master's vast benevolence.

Dafa practitioners from Fushun City, Liaoning Province He Shi

April 29, 2003.

High Resolution Picture

Words in the image: Respectfully Wish Teacher a Happy Birthday!

Weihai Dafa practitioners.

2003.5. 6

High Resolution Picture

Words in the image: Respectfully Wish Teacher a Happy Birthday!

Longkou Dafa practitioners.

2003.5. 6

Words in the image: Best Wishes for Teacher's Birthday and World Falun Dafa Day

Dafa disciples from Dongying City and Shengli Oil Field.

Master, please be at ease, we will definitely following your teaching and do well the three things that Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples are supposed to do. No matter what difficult circumstances we encounter, we will not be shaken in our faith in Dafa and our determination in cultivating Dafa. We will continue to strive forward so as to not let down of Master's compassionate salvation.

Honorable Teacher, Greetings! You have been working so hard! We miss you and sincerely wish you a Happy Birthday!

During this period of time before the Fa rectifies the human realm, we will by all means do well all that we are supposed to do, fulfill our vows and walk well the last leg of the journey. We will not let down Teacher's benevolent salvation and truly encompass Dafa, improve as a whole and achieve Consummation to follow Teacher to return home.