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Letter from Denmark Falun Gong Association Calling for the Release of Pirjo Svensson

May 13, 2003

Ambassador of Thailand
Mr. Adisak Panupong,
Royal Thai Embassy,
Norgesmindevej 18,
2900 Hellerup,
Copenhagen, Denmark.

Copenhagen 7. May 2003

Your Excellency,

I'm writing to you regarding a very serious and most urgent matter, namely the incarceration in Thailand of a Swedish citizen and Falun Gong practitioner, Mrs. Pirjo Svensson; a law-abiding person in society and a nurse by profession.

As you probably know by now Mrs. Svensson was arrested by the police of your country and has currently been locked up for more than a week under conditions an innocent person should never be subjected to. No formal charge has been made against her but still she is treated like a common criminal by your government. She is being detained in a hot and humid prison cell, 90 square metres large along with 90 other inmates. Fresh air is only allowed for 10-20 minutes a week!

The Swedish Embassy in Bangkok has been requesting an explanation from the Thai authorities but as of yet no reply has been given. The arbitrary and groundless arrest of Mrs. Svensson by the Thai authorities, as well as the Thai Authorities' lack of openness and willingness to come forth in this case, is sending out a disturbing message about the true motives and intentions behind the arrest.

As Mrs. Svensson herself has stated: "I have done nothing wrong. These charges against me are not right - there is no evidence to justify any of the accusations they have brought against me, only that the VCDs contained the truth about the persecution of innocent Falun Gong practitioners."

It has been made clear to Mrs. Svensson by Thai officials that she is accused of threatening to upset Sino-Thai relations, which is why her house has been ransacked by the police, her personal belongings, such as Falun Gong materials, have been confiscated etc. Some of the materials contained written and/or photographic evidence and clarification of the Chinese regime's brutal persecution and genocide of innocent Falun Gong practitioners in the P.R.C. But let me hereby truthfully declare to you and your government, Ms. Svensson is a law abiding Swedish citizen, residing as a guest in your country, as well as a human rights advocate; she firmly believes in Falun Dafa's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and poses absolutely no threat to your government or to your people.

I would also like to inform you that the Chinese regime is trying to impose its will on other nations by means of its well known "strong arm" policies, as well as putting economic pressure on the leaderships of sovereign countries, in order to achieve former president Jiang's goal of eradicating Falun Gong worldwide.

Chinese intelligence has in the past compiled illegal "black lists" containing the names and details of Falun Gong practitioners from around the world. These lists are to be used in cases such as Mrs. Svensson's. It is also widely known that the Chinese embassies and consulates are extensively applying pressure on local authorities as well as local Falun Gong practitioners in different regions and countries.

In an earlier letter sent to you by the Association we've mentioned the human rights lawsuit brought against former Chinese president Jiang for crimes committed against humanity. These crimes by Jiang and his cohorts include torture and genocide of Falun Gong practitioners. The lies about and the concealment of the facts regarding the SARS outbreak in China, is yet another warning to the world that the Chinese regime does not have the intention of treating its neighbours or its trading partners with respect and honesty when it comes to protect what it believes to be of vital interest, regardless of the human suffering or economic losses involved.

For the sake of justice, for the sake of innocent Falun Gong practitioners dying from torture in China, and for the sake of Thailand and its future, I kindly ask you:

Please help to uphold justice for Pirjo Svensson and her family.

Thank you very much for having taken time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely

[name omitted]

This letter has been copied and forwarded to members of the Danish government, as well as to other relevant persons and institutions.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200305/12298.html