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Canadian Member of Parliament Lynn Myers Urges the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Consider Initiating a Resolution Regarding China's Human Rights Abuses, with Specific Mention of Falun Gong

May 13, 2003


March 4, 2003

The Honourable Bill Graham

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lester B. Pearson Building

10th Floor, Tower A, 125 Sussex Drive

Ottawa, ON KIA 0G2

Dear Bill:

I believe Canada should initiate a resolution and take proactive action at the upcoming Geneva meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights to ensure that the People's Republic of China faces international scrutiny and condemnation for it's human rights violations, including the persecution of Falun Gong.

It is reported that half of all people in Chinese labour camps are Falun Gong practitioners -- people being held simply for their beliefs. The number of practitioners detained in labour camps and prisons without trial is well in excess of 100,000 and includes terms up to 20 years. Deaths of Falun Gong practitioners are widely reported and confirmed. In so doing, the People's Republic of China has repeatedly violated articles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles of the Chinese constitution.

It is noted that many international organizations, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Internet, etc., have documented the mass arbitrary detentions, unfair trials and other human rights violations resulting from the crackdown on the Falun Gong.

I urge you to consider tabling a resolution regarding China's human rights abuses, with specific mention of Falun Gong.


Mr. Lynn Myers

Member of Parliament
