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Details of How Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhu Gaidi from Zhengzhou Was Tortured to Death

May 17, 2003


Ms. Zhu Gaidi, 52, lived in apartment 48, 167 Nanguan Street, Guancheng District, Zhengzhou City. In September 2001, she was arrested by officers from the Dongsan Road Police Station while she was delivering Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials and sent to the First Detention Center of Zhengzhou City. Zhu was tortured in the Detention Center, and was very weak just one month after she was detained. She became blind and her body was swollen all over. She was finally released "on bail" for medical treatment and passed away on October 3, 2002.

Before Zhu Gaidi attained Dafa, she suffered from long-term diabetes and had been very weak. After she started practicing Falun Gong, she disciplined herself strictly according to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." After a short period, her illness was gone, and she looked fresh with energy.

Since Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Gong in July 20, 1999, Zhu Gaidi had been trying to tell people of her personal experience. On July 20, 1999, she went to the provincial government to appeal and clarify the facts of Falun Gong to the officers in the Appeals Office. To deceive her, the officers asked her to leave her name, address and phone number, "In case we need to contact you." But that was the start of their persecution against her. The Guancheng District Public Security Bureau, the Dongsan Road Police Station, and the Nanguan Street Office frequently harassed her at her home and restrained her freedom by monitoring her.

On December 27, 2000, Zhu Gaidi went to Beijing to appeal and arrived at Tiananmen Square. She shouted "Falun Dafa is good!" but was beaten up by police officers. Wicked police officers stepped on her and jumped on top of her back. But seeing she was very strong-willed, they released her.

In September 2001, she was reported when she was delivering Dafa truth-clarifying materials. She was arrested by officers from the Dongsan Road Police Station and sent to the First Detention Center of Zhengzhou City. Police officers searched her home and took away all her Dafa literature. In the Detention Center, she was cursed and beaten up by criminals, but the torture did not change her firm belief in Dafa. After one month of torture, she suffered from high blood pressure, heart failure, nephritis, blindness of both eyes, and edema all over her body. In this condition, she was sent to the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp of the Henan Province by the police, but the camp doctor found that Zhu was too weak and refused to accept her. Then police officers put her on bail for medical treatment. Her family borrowed 3000 Yuan* and sent Zhu Gaidi, who was now on the verge of death, to the Chinese Medicine Institute for medical treatment. Ms. Zhu's situation went from bad to worse, however, and she passed away on October 3, 2002.

This is further evidence of the Jiang regime's campaign of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.

A List of Relevant Names and Phone Numbers:

The First Detention Center of Zhengzhou City 86-371-3941686
The Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp of Henan Province 86-371-6802210
The Chinese Medicine Institute 86-371-5956348

The Guancheng District Public Security Bureau 86-371-6229936
The Dongsan Road Police Station 86-371-6247124
The Nanguan Street Office 86-371-6222011

The Henan Provincial Government Appeals Department
Address: Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province Phone: 86-371-5958603

The Henan Provincial Government
Address: Wei-er Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Phone: 86-371-5954622

The Henan Province People's Congress
Address: Wei-er Road #5, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Phone: 86-371-5953890

The Henan Province Public Security Department,
Jinshui Street, Zhengzhou City

The Zhengzhou City People's Congress-The Standing Committee
Address: Zhongyuan Road #233, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Phone: 86-371-7973742

Zhengzhou City Government
Address: Zhongyuan Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone: 86-371-7447715

Zhengzhou City People's Procurator
Longhai Xilu #1955, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Phone: 86-371-8981470

Xingyang City People's Procurator
Address: Wanshan Road #151, Xingyang City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Phone: 86-371-4662507

Zhengzhou City Medium Court
Address: Huaihe Road #53, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone 86-371-8983939

Henan Province Higher Court
Address: East Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone 86-371-5936699

The Political and Judiciary Committee of the Zhengzhou City Communist Party Committee
Address: Zhongyuan Xilu #67, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 450007
Phone: 86-371-7447715

General Office of the Henan Province Communist Party Committee
Address: Jinshui Street #18, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 450003
Phone: 86-371-5902941

General Office of the Henan Province Political Consultative Committee
Address: Huayuan Road #83, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 450003
Phone: 86-371-5958091

The Henan Province Discipline Committee
Address: Jinshui Street #18, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 450003
Phone: 86-371-5902154

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. An average urban worker's monthly wage is 500 Yuan.