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Partial List of Dafa Practitioners in Guangxi Province Who Were Illegally Sentenced to Labor Camp or Detainment

May 2, 2003


The following is a list of practitioners in Guangxi Province who were illegally sentenced to labor camp terms:

Meng Qingcai, an employee of the Nanning City Aluminum Plant. Currently he is 53 years old, and started to practice Falun Dafa in November 1997. He was illegally detained by police for half a month after going to Beijing to appeal with his wife in year 2000. In addition, he was forced to pay 160,000 Yuan*. On June 12, 2000, he was detained for 24 hours by the detention center. In late June, he was laid off by the aluminum plant, and his pension was suspended. On July 12th, he was detained for one month by the detention center. In August, his wife was illegally sentenced to 15 months of forced labor. In November, he was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Li Jiankun (male, in his 80s) is a professor of Guangxi University. He started to practice Falun Dafa in July 1996. From October 25th to December 1, 2000, he was illegally detained in the Nanning City No. 2 Detention Center. After his arrest was announced on January 24, 2001, he was transferred to the Nanning City No. 1 Detention Center and was detained there until June 7, 2002. Having no evidence, police could not sentence him to a jail term, so they illegally sentenced him to two years of forced labor: from January 2001 to January 2003 (served outside the labor camp). His salary was suspended from October 2002 (His original salary was 2,700 Yuan per month, but now he only gets 800 Yuan to cover living expenses). His home was searched three times. He had also been tricked into going to a detention center and was detained there for 27 days. His family was forced to pay 25 Yuan per day, totaling 675 Yuan, for his release.

Cai Junping (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Nanning City, Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Lu Biwei (male, in his 20s) is a student of Guangxi Institute for Nationalities in Nanning City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor. The first term was not clear. The second term was 2 years.

Kuang Xiangdong (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Nanning City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Gu Guiying (male, in his 20s) is a lecturer of Nanning Water and Power School in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. His home was searched. He was illegally detained in a detention center.

Yang Zhongzhi (male, in his 50s) is a staff member of Guangxi No. 1 Polytechnic School, and was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Sun Hanyi (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Nanning in Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Liu Shengping (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Nanning in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor and has been detained in a detention center.

Cheng Weiqun (male, 38 years old) is a resident of Jinnu Corporation Ltd. of Guangxi Province. His home was searched and he was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Mo Si (male, in his 40s) is a resident of Nanning in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Wu Xiaohua (male, 29 years old) is a doctor at a hospital in the Guilin area in Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Jiang Shan (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Guilin City in Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Lu Yonghe (male, in his 20s), a resident of Hechi City, Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Chen Deping (male, in his 40s) is a former coordinator of the (Falun Gong) assistant center in Fangcheng Harbor City of Guangxi Province, and on staff of the Port Administration Bureau. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Lin Hongbin (male, in his 30s), a former coordinator of (Falun Gong) assistant center in Beihai City of Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Zhang Jinjun (male, in his 60s), a former coordinator of (Falun Gong) assistant center in Guigang City of Guangxi Province, and a teacher at Guigang High School, was illegally sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

Liu Jianguo (male, in his 40s), is a staff member of the Tantang Hospital of Guigang City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

Huang Bo (male, 37 years old) was a section chief of the secretary section at the Administrative Office of the Labor Union of Baise Area People's Congress in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor.

Huang Deli, male, is a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Deng Zijiang (male, 37 years old) is a doctor at the Baise People's Hospital in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in October 2000, and his sentence was extended by a half year more. At the beginning of 2000, he was illegally detained in the Baise Drug Rehabilitation Center for 15 days. He was also illegally detained in the Baise Detention Center for more than two months beginning in July of 2000. His wife, Lu Qiuxi, was illegally detained for 45 days because she practiced Falun Gong at a Memorial Monument on July 1, 2000. Her 3-month-old embryo was forcibly aborted while she was in prison. She was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in April of 2001.

Pang Shouguang (male, in his 30s), a resident in Peace Street of Baise city in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2000. He has been illegally detained in the Baise Detention Center since July of 2002.

Huang Guangyu (male, 41 years old) is a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

He Xianzhong (male, in his 50s) resides in Baise City, Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2000, and was again illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor in 2002.

Nong Jiafeng (male, in his 30s), is a staff member of the Baise Railway Power Supply Division in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Li Jiachun, male, a staff member of the Baise Railway Power Supply Division in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Lu Hongwei (male, in his 30s) is a resident of Pingguo County in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor in January 2001.

Huang Jinxing, a male in his 20s, is a resident of Pingguo County in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in January 2001. He was released in September 2002.

Gan Kaihua (male, in his 30s), a resident of Pingguo County in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to two and a half years forced labor in January 2001, and was released in September 2002. He was also illegally detained for one month in October 2000.

Nong Youyao, male, a resident of Pingguo County in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

Lan Hongping, male, a resident of Pingguo County in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor.

Zhang Zuhong (male, in his 30s), on staff at the Pingguo Aluminum Product Company in Guangxi Province, was illegally sentenced to forced labor.

The following is the list of those illegally sentenced or detained:

Chen Bingnan (male, 29 years old) is a teacher at the Guangxi Institute for Nationalities in Nanning City of Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to a two-year term in 1999.

He Aiping (female, in her 30s) is a former coordinator of a (Falun Gong) assistant center in Yulin City of Guangxi Province. She was illegally sentenced to a three-year term in 1999.

Lin Feng, a male in his 20s, is a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to jail.

Huang Yuxuan, a male in his 20s, is a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province. He was illegally sentenced to jail.

Wei Binglian, a male in his 30s, is a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province, and was illegally sentenced to one and a half years in prison.

Su Xiaolan, female, 31 years old, and a resident of Baise City in Guangxi Province, was illegally arrested in July 2002, and is currently detained in the Baise Detention Center.

Lan Airong, female, is on staff at the Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities in Baise City, Guangxi Province. She was illegally arrested in July 2002 and is currently still being detained.