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Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice

May 2, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in the U.S.

(Clearwisdom.net) First of all, we want to say that the "Bring Jiang to Justice" we propose here is not merely a project; it is a way of thinking and an overall view of a comprehensive truth clarification on a large scale. Before, we were easily moved by some specific projects, and it was easy for us to be limited. We focused narrowly on the details and results of the activity, which has overshadowed our fundamental purpose of clarifying the truth and saving people. What we are discussing here is not any special project but a way of thinking.

I. "Bring Jiang to Justice" is our response to the old forces in the human world as a whole body. It is large-scale truth clarification aimed at eliminating the evil's influence and the destruction it is causing in the human world.

II. "Bring Jiang to Justice" is another large-scale activity that requires cooperation as a whole body. It is an extension of our direct elimination of the evil elements in other dimensions during Jiang's visit to Houston, Texas last year. We should not only send forth righteous thoughts but also do well in the three things Master told us, to study the Fa, clarify the truth and send forth righteous thoughts. We should display the magnificence of Fa-rectification: "overall, in other dimensions the strength of the evil and the strength of the righteous are no longer in balance. The strength of the righteous has tipped the scales in its favor as far as they go" ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.") in the human world. The way we can do this is to improve our understanding of Fa-rectification as a whole body and our understanding of saving people with benevolence. We should step up truth clarification efforts to countries around the world to let more governments and people learn about the true nature of the evil persecution.

III. How can we "Bring Jiang to Justice"? Our suggestions are listed below.

a. Clarify the true nature of the evil persecution to the world's people. Take Fa study seriously and obtain a deep understanding of Master's articles and lectures, and the Fa principles. Only when we truly understand the nature of this evil persecution can we clarify it to the world's people.

b. Clarify the relationship between this persecution and the world's people. Why is it persecution against the world's people, what's the relationship between them and the persecution?

This is persecution against the human conscience. People should not treat Falun Gong as someone else's business. We should let them know how it's related to them, and why they should regard it as their own thing.

c. Help them to make the right decision of choosing between conscience and self-interest

We can talk about the founding principles of free countries: the human right standards, their responsibilities to uphold human rights, their responsibility to the Chinese people, and to turn back evil in the human world. Their initial goal of doing business with China was to change China's economic state and to change it from a closed society to an open one. However, the evil is very good at economic manipulation. After a while, business relationship with China has become a bargaining tool. They have given ground on human rights and moral standards. Business became a tool used by the evil.

d. At the same time, we can talk about a series of topics directly related to them:

Explain the true economic situation in China

The economic situation in China is a mirage. The Chinese government has expended one quarter of China's financial resources to persecute Falun Gong. What does it mean to invest in China under these circumstances? What will be the long-term result?

Who truly represents China's future?

Right now, many policies being made in China are related to Falun Gong. China's future is directly tied to Falun Gong. Any country's diplomatic relationship with China should be a relationship with the Chinese people, not with Jiang's regime.

e. U.S.'s role on the world stage

We can talk about the U.S.'s founding principles, human rights standards and its responsibilities to uphold human rights, such as the freedom of belief and freedom of speech.

f. Constantly exposing the crimes the evil has committed in the human world

(1) Investigate the legitimacy of the assets the persecutors have deposited overseas.

(2) Provide lists of those who persecute Falun Gong practitioners to governments around the world and help them establish a list of these people. If any of them travels overseas, we can bring a lawsuit again him.

(3) Investigate serious crimes committed to frame and slander Falun Gong and its practitioners, such as the so-called self-immolation incident, various fabricated cases aired on CCTV to attack Falun Gong, and harassment to of overseas practitioners.

(4) Expose all the lies told by Jiang's regime and reveal to the world its deceitful nature.

g. Break through the information blockade and utilize all the media to clarify the truth

Practitioners who are good at working with the media may form teams to persistently clarify the truth to various media outlets. The major media outlets have a great impact on society, so we need to intensify our efforts to clarify the truth to them. We should not ignore smaller media outlets, either. Serving various social groups and residents, they can also directly influence the public's opinion, which in turn will affect government officials that represent them. It is a critical part of our Dafa work to clarify the truth to the public in a more comprehensive and deeper manner.

h. Our Fa-rectification work needs to reach the federal government

We have been in a very passive position in handling various "urgent matters" arranged by the old forces to interfere with us. As soon as one urgent matter get resolved, another one will crop up. We seem to be putting out fires here and there. We can no longer be restrained by the old forces like this. Instead, we should take the initiative to proactively arrange everything we need to do. At the highest level of the human world, we should expand the scope of our truth-clarification and reach every person and every department in the federal government that hasn't learned about the truth of Dafa. This task requires us to have the persistence, wisdom, and rationality to clarify the truth well. The lawsuit against Jiang is a good opportunity that can be used by various teams to further clarify the truth.

i. The most important thing in "Bring Jiang to Justice" is that it should be centered around on the theme of "saving sentient beings."

If we fail to focus on such a theme, the old forces would take advantage of our gaps and keep interfering with us. They may even interfere with the operation of our specific projects, rendering us unable to achieve our goal. For example, if we fail to view the lawsuit against Jiang from the broader perspective of "saving sentient beings with compassion," we could easily get entangled in the legal details and procedures, and we may miss our opportunity to save sentient beings in the Fa-rectification. Another example is the issue of rescuing Charles Li. If our efforts of rescuing Charles are solely for the purpose of getting him released, then we may not be able to free him. If we just want to win a lawsuit in the human world, we may not be able to succeed. The old forces never arranged it and they wouldn't allow us to win the case without a fight. Therefore, it is extremely important for Dafa practitioners as a whole to maintain righteous thoughts and make good use of such a lawsuit to clarify the truth to the fullest extent. Our activities are for the salvation of sentient beings, and our work is for the Fa-rectification cultivation of Dafa disciples. The fundamental purpose of everything we do is to clarify the truth well and the result of everything we do depends on how well we study the Fa, and how well we can keep up our righteous thoughts and righteous actions.

j. "Bring Jiang to Justice" can take various forms

In order to bring Jiang to justice, we may carry out different projects from different perspectives. For example, we may directly let people know about the lawsuit, call for people to help rescue our family members detained in China, investigate the persecution of Falun Gong, appeal to stop the persecution of women and children, or meet with the government officials to clarify the truth to them. The unifying purpose of all these different projects is to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. The different projects are complementing and consistent with each other. If we can clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, we will be able to help people of the world understand the urgency and importance of family rescue. We would be able to draw the world's attention to our investigation of the criminals who persecute Falun Gong. We would be able to help the Chinese people learn the truth, and distance themselves from the evil; we would be able to help various governments see through the true nature of Jiang's regime, so that they may take the initiative to restrain the evil whenever possible, thus maintaining the order and morality of the international community.

I'd like to conclude this article with Teacher's words, Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference":

"Looking at the overall situation right now, on the surface the persecution is still quite vicious, but in reality few of those wicked, rotten demons that can restrain and control people are left. The fewer that remain, the more wildly the evil rages; the fewer that remain, the more hysterical they get. Certain cultivators who have grasped Dafa to different degrees are showing different degrees of steadfastness, and how they currently perceive the overall situation of the Fa-rectification is different, too. The different states of their cultivation result in their different perceptions. Some might think the situation is grim; for some people the situation might seem to have already eased up; and some people might think that it's precisely a great opportunity to save sentient beings and clarify the truth. People's different grasps of and comprehension of the Fa lead to different perceptions of the current situation, and all that's happening is targeting different human thoughts. Those who do well will change the environments around them, and those who do poorly will make the environments around them change according to their states of mind. Dafa disciples have different states of mind, so they have different perceptions of the environment, and that's why the way each person acts is different. The true situation, as I see it, is that the evil old forces want to do what they want to. To do well is to not walk down the path arranged by the old forces; the goal is to not allow the old forces to take advantage of your gaps."

Let us seize this precious opportunity and tell these facts to the people of the world, so that their hopes will not be in vain.