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Some Thoughts on Preparations for World Falun Dafa Day

May 2, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner from the U.S.

(Clearwisdom.net) Another World Falun Dafa Day is approaching, and many overseas practitioners are busy with preparations for the celebration, working on dances, writing songs, practicing singing and making costumes, and so on and so forth. In order to make the celebration truly spectacular, many practitioners find time in their busy schedules to support the preparation work. However, I feel that amongst the busy preparation something very important is missing...

Today, I visited the web page for the World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.net. The joint communiqu?by 17 Falun Dafa associations on the first Falun Dafa Day three years ago clearly stated the substance of the Falun Dafa Day, which says, "In remembrance of the great festival for the whole of humanity, in order to enable the people in the world to further understand Dafa, to enable those with predestined relationship to attain the Fa sooner and in order to appeal to all kindhearted people to support Dafa practitioners in Mainland China so that they would sooner regain their legal rights of freedom of belief and freedom of cultivation practice,...it has been decided that May 13 is named 'World Falun Dafa Day,' so that Dafa practitioners and all kindhearted people around the world can celebrate together." We all realize through our Fa-study and truth-clarification that although many people are now clear about the truth, there are still a great number of people who have not had the opportunity to learn the truth, or to learn the truth in depth, and their future is still hanging in the air. For these countless people, every day is pressing and every day is of great importance.

Dafa practitioners around the world are one whole body. Then, during the period of Fa-rectification, each part of the whole body may not adopt the same form or do the same thing, and they may also have different understanding of the Fa principles and their cultivation states may also vary from one another. But as one body, all that we do at different times, in different places, and in different activities should be on the same fundamental basis -- to save sentient beings and eliminate the evil. As for the celebration of the upcoming World Falun Dafa Day, perhaps every Dafa practitioner has the responsibility to consider the following:

Put it more specifically, for example

The above are some of my personal thoughts for your reference.