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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/28/2003

May 2, 2003


Facts of the Persecution

Because I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, I was wrongfully detained in a detention center and later in a drug rehabilitation center. There I suffered various kinds of inhuman torture including being shocked by electric batons and other types of physical punishment. Afterwards, I was illegally sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp. During my imprisonment in Dalian Forced Labor Camp, I endured severe physical punishment. As a result, my injured hip festered. Two practitioners were tortured to death, and many were injured.

On June 20, Zhu Feng, a Dafa practitioner from Jinzhou City went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was abducted and sent back to his hometown. He was first detained in a detention center and later in a brainwashing center. On July 31, 2000, Zhu Feng was sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp. He was imprisoned in Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp, where he endured different kinds of persecution, including being beaten and other physical punishment. He was force-fed and forced to receive brainwashing. At present, Zhu Feng is still imprisoned although his term was due last July.

After July 20, 1999, Dafa practitioners in the No. 3 Railway Bureau in Shijiazhuang City started their journey to Beijing to validate and safeguard Dafa, and to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. Almost all of the practitioners who had been to Beijing were followed, placed under surveillance or harassed. According to estimates, 48 arrests have taken place, and 28,150 Yuan (An average urban worker's monthly salary is about 500 Yuan) have been extorted from practitioners as fines. Some practitioners were forced to leave home to avoid being arrested.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

In 2002, before the Party's 16th Congress was held, I went to a market to do some shopping. Just as I stepped out the door, I saw a large group of police officers at the gate of our residence compound. My heart was not moved. When I returned after shopping, the police officers were already in the compound. The elder gentlemen who guarded the entrance waved his hands towards me and told me to leave as soon as possible. After I arrived home, I said to my husband: "No matter who knocks on the door, we won't open it." Then I went into my room and sent forth righteous thoughts. Shortly after, the police came. They violently knocked on our door. The door of my apartment is not very solid and can be easily pried open. The police officers yelled, "We will pry open the door if you don't open it!" I maintained a calm mind and no matter how they shouted, I just sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in other dimensions that are controlling them. In the end, the police left.

A fellow practitioner borrowed some money to go to Beijing to validate Dafa as soon as she was released from a detention center in northeastern China. She unfurled a Dafa banner on Tiananmen Square, and was consequently arrested and held in a detention center in Beijing. She went on hunger strike to oppose the persecution. The police officers force-fed her and injured her esophagus. She said in her heart to Master, "Master, I won't be able to endure if they force-feed me tomorrow." But the next day, she did not feel any pain when she was force-fed. She knew that benevolent Master was protecting her. On the 10th day of her hunger strike, the police bought a train ticket for her and sent her out of Beijing. In the cold December, she wore only a pair of slippers on her feet and returned to her home in Hebei Province.