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Hungary: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day in Szeged (Photos)

May 20, 2003 |   By Hungarian practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net May 19, 2003) On May 14th 2003, Budapest Dafa practitioners held activities in Szeged to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and to let more people know the truth about Falun Gong. Szeged is the second largest city in Hungary and, at 200 kilometres south of Budapest, it is close to the Serbian border.

Activities included exercise demonstrations in Széchényi Park, which is close to the city centre, and distributing flyers to the people of Szeged. As we handed out flyers, we found that the local people were very open and relaxed. Some would even stop and wait to receive the information. We also visited the local Chinese markets and found the people there quite open-minded. Some had already been well informed about Falun Gong and knew the facts about the persecution in China and the wicked deeds of the Jiang regime.

Upon hearing about Falun Gong, one lady asked if we could teach her the exercises, as there are currently no practitioners living in Szeged. We said this is no problem and if she finds more people who want to learn in the future we can come back to teach the whole group. She was very touched by our offer and asked, "How can you finance teaching the exercises if you do it for free?" We answered, "We have jobs and attend school like everyone else. When it comes to introducing Falun Gong, it comes from our heart. If you want to learn, we can definitely help you."

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200305/12517.html