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Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioner Kidnapped by Shenzhen Police

May 3, 2003


Ms. Wan Zhengtian is a Falun Gong practitioner and Hong Kong resident. According to her friend, she went to Yunnan Province to visit her brother on April 1st, and then went to Panzhihua to visit her friend. On April 9th she accompanied her friend to Panzhihua Police Station so she could apply for a visa to visit Hong Kong. When they went back at around 3 pm to pick up the documents, the National Security Police were waiting there to arrest Ms. Wan without any apparent cause. Later, her friend and her friend's mother were also brought to the police station and interrogated from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The next day, April 10th, Ms. Wan called her friend to tell her that the police were taking her to Shenzhen, where she owns an apartment unit. According to eyewitnesses, Ms. Wan was taken in handcuffs into her apartment by five people, presumably National Security Police. They ransacked the house and changed the door lock.

Ms. Wan called her brother on April 10th to tell him that she was at the airport in Yunnan leaving for Shenzhen. She told him that her phone had some problems and asked him not to call her anymore. Sources say that at one point after arriving in Shenzhen, Ms. Wan managed to escape from her captors, but she was arrested again by Shenzhen police at the Luohu border crossing. She has not been heard from since.

Ms. Wan immigrated to Hong Kong in 1998. Her roommate in Hong Kong has called the immigration office there for help. They told her that she needed to ask the local police or the National Security Police in China directly, and that the Hong Kong government would not be able to help. The only thing that the immigration office could do was to forward her inquiries to the Hong Kong Police Department. They would in turn send the inquiries to the police in China by way of the International Security Police organization.

Responsible party:

Shenzhen City National Security Police Department, Ms. Li: 86-755-25404832

Related parties:

Shenzhen City Police Department, Mr. Sun: 86-755-84464050

Shenzhen City Council, Residents Opinions Department: 86-755-82105017 or 82099316

Communist Party Shenzhen City Internal Investigation Council: 86-755-82100974, 86-77-82103368, or 86-755-82100171

Shenzhen People's Investigation Bureau: 86-755-25868000

Shenzhen General Council of Representatives: 86-755-25666226

Shenzhen Justice Department: 86-755-82099777

Shenzhen Legislation Office: 86-755-25560827