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Clarify the Truth, Strengthen Righteous Thoughts -- A Story About the University of Central Florida Student Senate's Resolution

May 3, 2003

On Thursday, April 10 the Student Senate of the University of Central Florida in Orlando unanimously passed a resolution condemning the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Just a few weeks earlier, Falun Gong practitioners at the University of Florida in Gainseville obtained a resolution from their Student Senate. This inspired the practitioners at UCF and we immediately decided to get a resolution as well.

We saw this as an opportunity for our school to speak out as a whole and position themselves properly in the Fa-rectification. Also, we will build our relationship with the Student Government and involve them in more activities and continue to improve their understanding of Falun Dafa.

Once we decided to get a resolution, I ran into an acquaintance of mine on campus. I talked to him for a little while, and then he mentioned that he was a Student Senator. I asked him about getting a resolution, and he said he would be happy to sponsor it. I used almost the exact same resolution that the University of Florida passed, and he said he would initiate the proceedings at the next meeting. He said that they have to do three official votes on the resolution, and there were only two meetings left in the semester, so they would not be able to pass it until the summer semester begins later in May.

When we showed up at the meeting the atmosphere was very chaotic. They were holding an impeachment hearing for one of the Senators, and everyone treated each other very rudely. The Senator who sponsored the resolution said that he had never seen a meeting like this, and it was the worst one he had ever attended. We saw it as a manifestation of their demon nature, and sent forth righteous thoughts.

Twice the chairman tried to end the meeting early, but the other senators all corrected him and said that there were still items on the agenda. Finally, they raised the resolution came to the floor, and the sponsor of the resolution introduced me and allowed me to talk. While my fellow practitioner sent forth righteous thoughts and passed out truth-clarifying material, I spoke about Falun Gong, how I had benefited, how bad the persecution is, and about my journey to Beijing to validate Dafa. The speech moved all the senators and everyone quietly listened. Then they voted unanimously to pass this resolution.

The Senators then motioned to have all three votes for this resolution that night, so that they could pass the resolution more quickly. I think they did not want to miss the opportunity to do such a great deed. The next vote also passed unanimously. Afterwards, the Senators began talking about the impeachment hearing again. Several of them said that they should all be kinder towards each other, and that they could avoid similar problems simply by being more respectful with one another. The atmosphere had totally turned around after they proclaimed their support of Falun Dafa.

The whole process took less than one week. I hope that more universities and high schools around the world will approach their Student Governments and clarify the truth. They are waiting for us, because without the help of Dafa Disciples' righteous thoughts and righteous actions, they cannot fulfill their true wish.