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Steadfastly Cultivating the Righteous Fa, No Hardships Can Move My Determination

May 3, 2003 |   A Dafa Disciple from Mainland China

April 14, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net April 17) On July 20, 1999, I went to appeal for Falun Gong. On the morning of July 25, I was arrested in my home by the local police. At the same time, my personal property was confiscated, including my Dafa books, car and cellular phone. Inside the local police station, I firmly refused to write the so-called "Guarantee Statement."*) Instead, I used every opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the police, the guards and the other prisoners. I used the purity of compassion to validate Dafa. Two days later, I was transferred to the liaison office where they continued to pressure me to write the statement. Once again, I firmly declared that going to Beijing to appeal is a citizen's duty and a right granted by the constitution. Later, I escaped without their notice, and in five days I got back my car and cellular phone from the liaison office.

In the beginning of August 1999, the police department repeatedly interrogated me because I had helped Dafa practitioners who became destitute and homeless to escape illegal arrest. Hence, I was unable to continue my normal job, and was forced to leave home and become destitute myself.

On October 12, 1999, I was followed closely by some plainclothes policemen while walking on a street in Beijing, and was questioned. Later, I was taken back home by the local police and detained in No. 1 Detention Center. I went on a hunger and water strike for 18 consecutive days to protest this illegal persecution. During this period, the police forcefully put handcuffs and foot shackles on me that they made by themselves and also force-fed me. In November, I was transferred to Shijiazhuang Labor Camp where I was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. The Shijiazhuang Labor Camp deprived me of my right to meet my family, and to practice and study Teacher's articles.

In March 2000 during the "Two Congresses," I once again went on a hunger and water strike for 12 days. Furthermore, I wrote a written statement expressing my protest against Jiang regime's persecution of Dafa and Dafa practitioners. On July 20, when Falun Gong had been persecuted for one year, we Falun Gong practitioners sat down with our legs crossed in the middle of the field and did the hand gestures. We were interrupted by the police. I was carried back to the cell and cuffed to a metal bar. My imprisonment term was illegally extended three more months.

In the middle of September, when the Labor Camp was searching for Teacher's lectures, I firmly resisted and exposed the true essence of Jiang's regime that deceived the common people. The Labor Camp thus used this as an excuse to extend my term one more month. I was also locked up in confinement for ten days.

In 2001, I was transferred to Hebei Provincial Gaoyang Labor Camp. As soon as I entered the camp, the police started to physically punish me. They beat, cursed, and shocked me with an electric baton. Both my hands were cuffed to a pillar for 48 hours. Policeman Yang Zemin threatened me, "We also have other kinds of physical punishment such as the tiger beam, the bamboo nails, etc." Throughout this time, I was not afraid. Afterwards the police gave up torturing and brainwashing me. After more than 20 days, they sent me back to Shijiazhuang Labor Camp where I was imprisoned alone the whole time. I was not allowed to meet or talk with other practitioners.

By the end of 2001, I was taken to the Baoding Forced Labor Camp. The camp changed three dormitories into torture halls. In order to block the news, they covered the windows with cotton quilts. The regular personnel were not permitted to enter. In there, the steadfast Dafa practitioners were imprisoned alone in turn, and were watched by criminals. The police encouraged the criminals to insult and beat the practitioners at will. Practitioners were not allowed to sleep. If some criminals were unwilling to follow the police to injure Dafa practitioners, they would be cursed and beaten by the police. In there, I was forced to stand for 13 days, and not allowed to sleep.

In November 2002, my term expired. I was taken back by the local police station and detained for three days. From there I was further transferred to the street administration office. Throughout this time, I resisted their request to write a so-called "Guarantee statement" and was steadfast in Dafa cultivation. After three days, I went home.

*)The so-called "Guarantee Statement" [A statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.]