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Dafa Practitioners Refute an Illegal Trial in Changchun City with Righteous Thoughts and Actions

May 3, 2003


At 9 a.m. on April 9, 2003, police secretly sent four Falun Gong practitioners from the Third Detention Center to the heavily guarded Shuangyang District Court in Changchun City. The authorities attempted to prosecute Li Huaiming, Wu Zilong, Liu Haixiao and his wife Zhao Xinling at an illegal trial on the charge of allegedly "Sabotaging TV installations and protecting criminals."

With the practitioners' family members and relatives forbidden to visit or appear in the courtroom, the authorities organized just over thirty people from different units to attend the hearing. These people were warned not to leak the information in advance. After hearing of the illegal trial, fellow practitioners went there and stayed outside the court to send forth righteous thoughts.

During the trial, the four Falun Gong practitioners told the court in one voice with uprightness, "We are innocent! Falun Dafa is good!" As a result, the authorities had to conclude in a hurry without accomplishing their purpose.

With righteous thoughts and actions, the practitioners drew respect from those who attended the hearing and the court police. Later they said privately, "Look at those who practice Falun Gong--they are truly amazing!"

The four practitioners were transferred back to the Third Detention Center, which lies west of Sheling Town, on the north side of Changshuang West route, opposite a gas station.

The relevant address and phone number in Shuangyang District, Changchun City:

The 610 Office: 86-431-4223238, 72 West Shuangyang Street, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district court: Administrator: 86-431-4222286, 4236438, 422296, Criminal section: 4236432, 1 Songshan Road, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district justice department: Chief: 86-431-4223158, Office: 4222279, 69 Songshan Road, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district police department: Chief: 86-431-4223615, 4223619, 4223586, 29 Songshan Road, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district attorney office: Administrator: 86-431-422249, 4223494, 4223685, 28 Changchun Road, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The CPC political and legal committee: Secretary's Office: 86-431-4223633, 69 West Shuangyang Street, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district government: Director's Office: 86-431-4223204, 72 West Shuangyang Street, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The CPC district committee: Secretary's Office: 86-431-4222002, 72 West Shuangyang Street, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district broadcasting and TV department: Chief: 86-431-4222384, 4223568, 76 West Shuangyang Street, Shuangyang District, Changchun City;

The district TV station: Office: 86-431-4223602, 70 West Shuangyang Street. Shuangyang District, Changchun City.