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Belgium: Telling the Thai Embassy about the Illegal Imprisonment of Pirjo Svensson

May 30, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net May 29, 2003) On April 30 2003, two practitioners went to the Thai Embassy in Belgium to present a petition and request for the immediate release of Swedish practitioner Mrs. Pirjo Svensson, who has been illegally imprisoned in Bangkok for the last 30 days.

On 6 May, the Embassy secretary contacted a practitioner by phone. The practitioner used this opportunity to tell him the facts about the persecution in China and the spread of Falun Gong around the world. The secretary said that this helped her to understand more about the status of Falun Gong in Belgium and she promised to pass on the petition and request for Pirjo's freedom to high level officials in the Thai government. She also stated that she hoped to obtain more information from the Thai government about Pirjo's detention.

On the following day, the practitioner called the secretary to ask her for more information regarding Pirjo's detention. The secretary told the practitioner that she had sent the petition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand, and the police office in Bangkok and that she would phone immediately after receiving a reply. The secretary said that she was waiting for the Thai government to clarify their policy on the issue.

On May 14, the practitioner heard from the Thai Embassy once more. The secretary said that she had asked for an explanation behind Mrs. Svensson's arrest and detention, but the government had not replied. She had also received other communications requesting Mrs. Svensson's release and promised to call Bangkok again. The secretary then said that she would immediately phone the practitioner when she received a reply. She was very helpful, and it was obvious that she knew the arrest of Pirjo Svensson is not right by moral laws, Thailand's laws, or by the laws of the rest of the world.
