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PhD Working at Harbin Industrial Institute, Dr. Lin Yanqing, Sentenced to 3 Years of Forced Labor by Police in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

June 1, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net May 25, 2003)

Falun Dafa practitioner Dr. Lin Yanqing, PhD, worked at the Harbin Industrial Institute. He was illegally detained in the year 2000 because he went to Beijing and Tiananmen Square to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. He was tortured by cruel means, thus both of his hands have been crippled. He was dismissed from his job and escorted back to his hometown in Fujian Province , where he was under constant surveillance by the local police

Shortly before the 16th Party Congress was held in late 2002, he was taken into custody to be brainwashed. Because he firmly believes in Dafa and refused to give up his faith, he was sentenced to 3 years of labor camp by the police in Fujian Province.

Lin's wife and in-laws are Falun Dafa practitioners. Because his wife firmly cultivates in Dafa, she has been dismissed from her job. His in-laws' retirement benefits have been withheld from them. They were forced to become homeless with their 1 year-old grandchild to avoid being illegally arrested. The police and the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] formed a monitoring group consisting of 6-7 people to arrest Lin in Fujian Province, Shandong Province, and Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. They put Lin on the Wanted List. Their friends, family, and relatives are also implicated. The police have declared openly, "We want to implicate all of their relatives!"