(Clearwisdom.net) June 9 2003 report: Melbourne Falun Gong practitioners have
started a "Bring Jiang to Justice" petition drive. They composed a petition
letter to Prime Minister Howard and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, asking them
to express their support for the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
The front page |
The back page |
The front page of the letter has pictures of over 30 practitioners who were
tortured to death. On the back, it listed Jiang's crimes against humanity. They
- Capitalizing on the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989 to seize the position of
- Deceiving the world by covering up the SARS outbreak, causing extensive
loss of life for people in China and around the world
- Instigating the shameful persecution and illegal imprisonment of millions
of Falun Gong practitioners
- Instigating the murder of innumerable Falun Gong Practitioners (the death
toll is unknown);
- Recently arresting 180 Falun Gong practitioners for exposing the truth
about SARS
- Establishing the illegal "610 Office", a bureau with supreme authority
above every level of the Chinese government, specifically to persecute Falun
- Exhausting 25% of China's financial resources to "eradicate" Falun Gong
- Mobilizing the media to spread anti-Falun Gong propaganda world-wide
- Illegally imprisoning foreign citizens, such as U.S. Citizen, Charles Li,
- Building brainwashing centers and misusing psychiatric hospitals to break
the will of Falun Gong practitioners
- Using tactics such as diplomatic pressure, political incentives and trade
agreements to buy the silence of foreign governments
- Conspiring to commit civil rights violations in free countries outside of
- Outlawing the pursuit of higher moral standards
- Capitalizing on people's apathy and indifference to carry out large scale
- Forcing otherwise good people to persecute Falun Gong practitioners
against their conscience
- Deceiving the world and endangering humanity
During Jiang's last visit to America in October 2002, individual plaintiffs
filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for genocide.
The lawsuit caused a strong reaction among China's top leaders. Jiang has
expressed his desire "to stop the lawsuit regardless of the cost." This is the
second instance of a Chinese leader being sued in a foreign country. Former
Premier Li Peng was sued for the "6.4 Tiananmen Massacre," The case also has
attracted much attention among foreign media and overseas Chinese.
Falun Gong practitioners have set up a special website for this lawsuit,
which can be found at:
http://www.flgjustice.org. People who are interested in this case can check
the website for more information.