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How the Third Brigade of Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp Persecutes Dafa Practitioners

June 11, 2003


May 22, 2003


1. Dafa practitioner Li Cuiling was arrested in 2002 and sent to the Heizuizi Labor Camp for one year. She refused to give in to the evil by not laboring or wearing the prison clothes. Sun, who is a guard from the second squad, along with another guard named Jin, took her to a warehouse where they covered her mouth and then beat and kicked her. A few days later, Sun again took Ms Li to the warehouse. He, Vice Captain of the Third Brigade Xi Guirong, and guard Jin used an electric baton to shock and beat her in the face and mouth. Finally, they asked 5 to 6 collaborators [former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under pressure] to forcibly remove Ms Li's clothes and then put the prison clothes on her. At the beginning of March 2003, because Ms Li did not obey the evil and fasted, Sun, Xi, and Jin tied her to a bed and force-fed her.

2. Dafa practitioner Tian Guirong from the Changchun Automotive Factory was steadfast in practicing Falun Dafa, so the local police station sent her to be detained in a labor camp for one year. She was sent to a brainwashing class in Xinglongshan after being released in 2002. She did not obey the evil, so two months later she was sentenced to a year of forced labor. At the beginning of 2003, she was seen by guard Sun reading Teacher's articles. So Sun used bamboo sticks to beat her in the face in the presence of everyone. Her face became bloody and swollen.

3. In 2001, Dafa practitioner Song Xiaohui and her husband were sent to a labor camp for one year by their local police station. One year later, because her husband persisted with his belief and did not obey the evil, his term was extended and up to this day he still has not been released.

Less than one month after Ms Song was released, the local police station deceived her to go to a brainwashing class. Ms Song did not cooperate and she was sent to a labor camp for another two years. In the labor camp, she did not give in to the persecution and refused to labor. She was taken to the warehouse by guard Wang from the third squad. Vice Captain Xi Guirong, guard Jin, and another five guards beat her face and took turns shocking her with an electric baton.

For those in the third brigade of the Heizuizi Labor Camp it has become customary to beat practitioners' faces. As long as Dafa practitioners have not written a statement saying they will stop practicing, they are beaten and kicked. Practitioners are either beaten with over twenty slaps to the face or shocked by an electric baton. Seven guards did these things together.

The name list at the third brigade follows (The third brigade is divided into six squads.):

Vice Captain of the Third Brigade Xi Guirong: she is in charge of transforming Dafa practitioners and is the most evil criminal.

Captain of the Third Brigade: his surname is Shen.

Guards Jin and Zang are part of the first squad.

Guard Sun (The second squad)

Guard Liu (The sixth squad)

Guard Wang (The third squad)

Guard Xia (The fourth squad)